The streaming user interface helps you to design KPI Definitions, Threshold Collection, and KPI Streams. VMware Telco Cloud Operations user interface eases the user to learn the KPI domain-specific language by providing a simple and clean interface, and handling the JSON creation in the background.


The K4M UI is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that helps customers to design KPI Definitions, Threshold Collection, and KPI Streams. The K4M GUI relieves the customer from the need to learn the KPI domain specific language by providing a simple and clean interface, and handling the JSON creation in the background. The customer focuses on business concerns instead of worrying about syntax errors.

The KPI Designer provides functions to create/read/update/delete (CRUD) KPI Definitions, Threshold Collection, and KPI Streams. The following sections introduce the functionalities from the GUI perspective. For more information about KPI Definitions and KPI Streams, please refer to the KPI User Guide.

The KPI Designer function can be configured to be enabled or disabled. The interactive installation process will be able to enable or disable the module.

Navigate to KPI UI

Click KPI Designer in the left navigation panel, the KPI Designer displays in the content area.

The landing page of KPI Designer shows the list of KPI streams. There are four sections at the top of the content area. You can switch among the following pages by selecting the corresponding tab:
  • KPI Streams: Provides a list of KPI streams.
  • KPI Designer: Provides a list of KPI definitions.
  • Threshold Designer: Provides a list of threshold collections.
  • Enrichment Streams: Provides a list of enrichment streams.

KPI Streams Page

On the KPI Streams page, you can browse, edit, delete, deploy, undeploy, verify job detail, and export the created KPI Streams.

In the KPI Stream list, at the beginning of each row, there is an action button similar to the KPI Definition list.

Click the action button, the action menu appears. On the action menu, you can select:
  • Edit: Allows you to edit the selected stream.
  • Delete: Allows you to delete the selected stream.
  • Deploy: Allows you to deploy the selected stream. This menu item shows when the stream is not deployed.
  • Undeploy: Allows you to undeploy the selected stream. This menu item shows when the stream is deployed.
  • Job Detail: Displays the job detail of the selected stream.
  • Export: Exports the stream configuration DSL (Domain-Specific Language) in the JSON format.
Status in the list indicates stream status. The following status is supported:
  • Created: When the stream is saved, but not deployed to the streaming engine yet, the status displays as CREATED in the blue color.
  • Running: When the stream is deployed, the status shows as RUNNING in the green color.
  • Cancelled: When the stream is undeployed, the status shows as CANCELLED in the green color.
In the action menu of the KPI stream list page, the Job Detail menu allows you to verify the job details. By clicking the job details menu, the job details shown in a popup window:

KPI Stream Page

To navigate to the KPI Stream page, click CREATE. The KPI Stream page allows you to create or edit a KPI Stream. In Create mode, a blank KPI Stream page is displayed. In Edit mode, the page is populated with the selected KPI Stream.

There are three sections as shown in the following figure. The stream form on the top of the page, the component categories at the left side panel, and the workspace in the content area.

You can use the stream form on the top of the page to configure the stream for the following parameters:
  • Name: Name of the stream
  • Description: Description of the stream
  • Parallelism: Parallelism of the stream
The left side component palette contains the stream components. There are four component categories supported for this release. Click the name of the component category, the component detail panel displays:
  • Input: Input components that receive events.
  • KPI Definition: Contains the pre-configured KPI Definitions. When there are too many KPI Definitions to browse, you can use the search box on the top of the palette to search the desired KPI Definition.
  • Threshold: Contains the pre-configured Threshold Collections. When there many Thresholds Collections to browse, you can use the search box on the top of the palette to search the desired ones.
  • Output: Output components that publish events.

Input Components: Only one input component is supported in this release.

VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka Input: VMware Telco Cloud Operations stream internal Kafka broker.

To add the component to the enrichment stream, use drag to move the default Kafka Input to the workspace.

Click the edit icon on the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka, the edit panel displays to configure the VMware Telco Cloud Operations. The following parameters are configured through the edit panel:
  • Topic: Kafka input topic.
  • Formatter: To format the input event to the internal data model.
To save the configuration, click SAVE.
Note: You must save the configuration to save the parameters in the server side. The CANCEL button, allows you to close the edit panel without saving any changes.

KPI Definition components

The KPI definitions palette contains previously configured KPI definitions. After a KPI definition is saved to the backend server, it displays as following:

You can drag one or more KPI definitions to the workspace. A connection between input components and the KPI definition is added. The connection indicates the data flow direction:

To view the summary of the KPI Definition, click the information icon on the KPI Definition component. Following summary is displayed in a popup window:

To close the popup window, click OK.

Threshold components

The Threshold window contains previously configured thresholds. After a threshold is saved to the backend server, it displays in the following palette:

You can drag the Threshold components to the workspace.
Note: Threshold and KPI definition cannot co-exist in the same stream configuration.

To view the summary, click the information icon on the threshold component. The summary is displayed in a popup window as following:

To close the popup window, click OK.

Output components

Only one output component supported, VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka.

VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka Output

To add the component to the stream, drag the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka to the workspace. A connection between the KPI definition and the Kafka output is added to indicate the data flow direction.

To configure the VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka output, click the edit icon:
  • Filters: SpEL (Spring Expression Language) expression evaluated to be true or false. The evaluation result is used as the filter condition to apply to the event. For example: filter metadata['storagePoolId'] == '3921' allows only event with metadata storagePoolId equals to 3921 being published to the output Kafka topic.

Multiple VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka Output components can be added to the KPI Stream Page to send the calculated KPI events to more than one destination.

One of the scenarios where is this is necessary is when one or more of the KPI Definitions components that are part of the KPI Stream are configured with thresholds and alerting enabled. The Enable Alert check box when selected for a given KPI calculation indicates that the resulting KPI event must also be used by Alerting Service to process all applicable alerting rules. To achieve this, a second VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka Output component must be configured to forward the relevant KPI events that have been tagged with a threshold and label tag based on the threshold ranges configured for the KPI calculation.

The second VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka Output component must look like the example below:

The second VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka Output has been defined below the Vsa_kpis, and the filter has been defined to only forward events to the output when a threshold tag is present in the metadata of the event. The topic for this component has been set to vsa_thresholds which is the input topic for all Alert Services processing, and finally the type of formatter used is set to Omega Threshold Output to make the format of the event compatible with the expected format for the Alert Service.

Kafka Attributes:Topic

The destination topic where the output events generated by the stream will be directed.

The default topic vsa_kpis is where calculated KPIs are directed. If the stream includes threshold components, then the topic should be sent to vsa_thresholds. The formatter type should also be set to TCOps Threshold Output.

For streams with KPI definition components that also have thresholds defined in them, two VMware Telco Cloud Operations Kafka Output components can be dragged to the workspace to direct the KPIs and threshold events to corresponding topics, with the required output format.

Formatter: Type

The format that the output events generated by the stream will be written. Select from the TCOps KPI Output or TCOps Threshold Output options.

KPI Definitions Page

In KPI Definitions page, you can browse, edit, export, or delete the list of created KPI Definitions. You can also create KPI Definition.

In the KPI Definition list, at the beginning of each row, there is an action button (three vertical dots).

Click the action button, the action menu appears.

On the action menu, there are three action menu items Edits, Delete, and Export, as following:

To edit the selected KPI Definition, click Edit.

To delete the selected KPI Definition, click Delete.

To export, and download the JSON file of the selected KPI Definition, click Export.

Click CREATE. The page navigates to the KPI Definition page, where you can create KPI Definition.

KPI Definition Page

KPI Definition page allows you to create or edit the KPI definition. In Create mode, a blank KPI Definition page is displayed. In Edit mode, the page is populated with the selected KPI definition.

In the KPI Definition page, you can enter the following information:
  • Name: Name of the KPI Definition, a mandatory text box.
  • Description: Description of the KPI Definition.
  • Window Configuration: KPI calculation window configuration, which includes four subfields:
    • Type: Acceptable op
      • Sliding: Select, Sliding, the Period text box appears.
      • Tumbling: Select, Tumbling, the Period text box becomes hidden.
    • Time Policy:
      • Event Time: Use event time for calculation. System adds the Event time where/when the event is generated.
      • Processing Time: Use processing time for calculation. Processing time is added when KPI Engine receives the event for calculation. Compare with the Event time, the Processing Time is less accurate on reflecting when the event happens.
    • Length: Length of the window in second.
    • Period: Period of the sliding window in second.
  • Group By: Which text box is used to group the metrics for the aggregation calculation. When the pointer is in this input text box, the user can press “\” to show the content assistant.
  • Filter: Which text box is used to filter the metrics. When the pointer is in this input text box, the user can press “\” to show the content assistant.

As an example, the following figure displays the content assistant for the Group By field :

In the KPI Definition page, you can configure one or more calculations in the Calculations section.

Each calculation section has the following text boxes:
  • Calculation Name: Name of the calculation.
  • Metrics: You can select the metrics from the Available Metrics box by selecting the metric name, and click the metric name to remove the metrics from the Selected Metrics box. When you hover over the information icon, the configured description for the metrics displays as a tooltip.
  • Expression: Calculation expression. Pressing “\” shows built-in expressions and user selected metrics. The following figure shows the content assistant for Express text box, where the built-in expressions and user-selected metric are listed:

Composite KPI allows you to define a KPI by using KPI calculations and thresholds defined in a different KPI definition or Threshold definition.

The user interface provides the selection component to present the calculations and thresholds catalog, to facilitate you to select existing calculations and thresholds and use them in the expression.

The selection boxes for KPI and Threshold are hidden initially.
  • To view the selection box, click SHOW COMPOSITE KPI
  • To hide the selection box, click HIDE COMPOSITE KPI

You can use the search bar to search the KPIs and Thresholds.

Select KPI or Threshold, in the Available box, respective available KPI, and Threshold appears in the Selected boxes as displayed.

The KPI definitions are sorted by the KPI definition name. The calculations are listed under the KPI definition name.

The Thresholds are sorted by the threshold collection name. Under the threshold collection name, the thresholds are listed in thresholdName:thresholdLabel format.

After the KPIs or thresholds are selected, they are available in the expression content assistant menu. The content assistant menu appears, when you enter the '\'.

Select the Threshold in the menu, the thresholds is inserted into the current editing location.

For the KPI threshold, refer to the Window-Based Threshold section for detail.

To create more calculation, click CREATE NEW CALCULATION. When two or more calculations are configured, the delete button appears in the calculation section to allow you to delete an undesired calculation configuration.

To save the KPI Definition, click SAVE. The page navigates to KPI Definitions page after the KPI Definition is saved.

When editing a KPI definition, you can clone the current KPI Definition and makes minor changes in certain text boxes. You can click CLONE, the Name text box of the KPI Definition is changed to Clone of Previous-Name (change me please). You can make want changes on the text boxes, rename the KPI Definition, and click SAVE to save the new KPI Definition.

The CANCEL button allows you to cancel the current edition, and navigate back to the KPI Definition list page.

Thresholding Function

The thresholding function allows you to tag the stream event (non-windowed threshold) or KPI calculation result (window-based threshold) with threshold labels. The following section introduces the configuration of the non-windowed threshold and window-based threshold through threshold GUI.

Non-Windowed Threshold

Threshold Name: The name of the threshold

Catalog: a catalog includes a collection of event metrics. To change the catalog, remove the text in the Catalog input field. Click the Catalog input field, the metric catalogs will be shown in the drop-down list. When the user chooses one of the metric catalogs, the corresponding metrics will be shown in the Catalog Item field.

Catalog Item: The event metric name that the threshold is configured against.

Note: The Catalog and Catalog Item field allows the user to enter a new catalog and catalog item that doesn't exist in the VMware Telco Cloud Operations catalogs.

Threshold Items section:
  • the threshold item row can be added by clicking the ADD NEW THRESHOLD LEVEL button
  • By clicking the red-times-circle icon on the threshold item, the corresponding threshold item will be remove.
  • Each threshold item row has the following fields:
    • Threshold label: a threshold label to be added to the event when the event metric value is between the configured threshold values
    • Threshold values: the value range of the event metric value to trigger a threshold label to be added.

      Refer to Creating Alerts in KPI and Threshold Designer to enable an alert and to select the severity.

By clicking the CREATE NEW THRESHOLD button, a new threshold section will be added. By clicking the red-times-circle icon on the threshold, the corresponding threshold section will be deleted.

Note: The second value in a threshold item row is auto-filled as the first value in the next row. Thedigital values have to be in ascending order for this release.

After the thresholds are configured, click the SAVE button to save the threshold collection configuration.

Window-Based Threshold

The window-based threshold is always associated with a KPI calculation result. The configuration for the window-based threshold is located in the KPI Definition page, so that you can verify the KPI calculation configuration when configuring the threshold.

The threshold configuration is under the Expression section. By default the threshold item is not shown. When you click ADD NEW THRESHOLD, and new threshold item is added.

Click the cancel icon (red circle with an x) on the threshold item, to remove the corresponding threshold item.

Each threshold item row has the following fields:
  • Threshold label: A threshold label is added to the KPI calculation result when the KPI value is between the configured threshold values. Note that the label name has to start with the alphabet. For example, 123, 123Abc will not be accepted.
  • Threshold values: The value range of the KPI value to trigger a threshold label to be added.
Note: The second value in a row will be auto-filled as the first value in the next row. The values have to be in ascending order for this release. When the KPI Definition page is saved, the threshold configuration is also save with it.

Hidden Threshold

When the events flow into the stream, the hidden threshold allows the event to be tagged with a configured threshold label, and if the event value is between a configured range.

To navigate to the threshold list page, click Threshold Designer. Where the configured hidden threshold displays in the list:

The action menu (the three vertical dots) allows the user to edit/delete/export the threshold collection.
  • To navigate to the threshold creating/editing page, click Edit. Where you can edit the threshold configurations.
  • To delete the selected threshold configuration, click Delete.
  • Click Export, the selected threshold configuration is exported in a JSON format.

To navigate to Threshold Collection, click CREATE. Where multiple thresholds can be configured on the page.

The Threshold Collection page has the following text boxes:
  • Name: The name of the threshold collection.
  • Description: The description of the threshold collection.
  • Filter: SpEL (Spring Expression Language) expression evaluated to be true or false. The evaluation result is used as the filter condition to apply to the event. For example: filter metadata['storagePoolId'] == '3921' allows only event with metadata storagePoolId equals to 3921 being processed. Enter '\' shows the content assistant menu.
Thresholds section allows multiple thresholds to be configured. In each threshold section, there are the following text boxes:
  • Threshold Name: The name of the threshold.
  • Catalog: A catalog includes a collection of event metrics. By selecting the catalog, the corresponding event metrics are shown in the Catalog Item select text box.
  • Catalog Item: The event metric name that the threshold is configured against.
  • In the Threshold Items section, the threshold item row can be added by clicking the ADD NEW THRESHOLD LEVEL button. By clicking the cancel icon on the threshold item, the corresponding threshold item is removed. Each threshold item row has the following text boxes:
    • Threshold label: A threshold label to be added to the event when the event metric value is between the configured threshold values.
    • Threshold values: The value range of the event metric value to trigger a threshold label to be added.
      Note: The second value in a row will be auto-filled as the first value in the next row. The values have to be in ascending order for this release.

Click CREATE NEW THRESHOLD, a new threshold section is added.

Click the cancel icon on the threshold, the corresponding threshold section is deleted.

After the thresholds are configured, Click the SAVE, to save the threshold collection configuration.

Creating Alerts in KPI and Threshold Designer.

Alert definitions can be created for any of the thresholds defined in either the KPI or Threshold designer screens. The Alerting menu on the left hand side navigation provides the list of all currently defined alerts and it also provides the ability to create new alerts.

The name of the threshold definition and the name of the threshold itself is required to create an alert using the Create function on this screen. The drop down selector provides a list of all available thresholds. However, there is a fast path for creating alerts in both KPI designer and Threshold designer pages.

You can navigate to the KPI or Threshold Definitions from the KPI Designer menu, select the KPI or Threshold you are interested in, and select the Enable Alert check box to enable an alert. The check box is present for each of the available threshold labels created in the designer.

After the threshold is saved, notice in the Alert Definitions page, a new alert is created and running. This fast path for creating alerts uses default values derived from the threshold itself to generate the alert definition.

The naming convention is as follows:

KPI Designer/ Threshold Designer Name + "___" + Threshold Name + "___" + Threshold Label

Check on the details of the alert, for example, Threshold Group, Threshold Label, and Severity to see how it matches to the source KPI or Threshold definition.

Deleting Alerts

Clear the Enable Alert check box to delete an alert on the KPI/Threshold Designer page or delete from Alerting page directly. If the alert is deleted from Alert Definitions page, the check box would reflect the change automatically next time the threshold definition is viewed.

For a threshold whose Enable Alert check box is already enabled, any change to its severity or label name would cause a new alert to be deployed, leaving the original alert deployed but without a corresponding threshold. To avoid such situations, it is recommended that all alert deployments are done using the fast path approach, for example, using the Enable Alert check box to create or delete the alert and avoid using the Alerts Definitions page.

Avoiding Orphan Alerts

To avoid orphan alerts, when a change in the Threshold definition is required for a threshold that is already enabled for alerts, it is recommended to first undeploy the alert by clearing the Enable Alerts check box and save the threshold. Edit the threshold once more as needed, then redeploy when the new threshold configuration is in place.

Any alerts that are created directly from the Alerting menu and that do not follow the naming convention above can not be matched to the corresponding KPI or Threshold definition and will appear as if there are no associated alerts.

Delete any alerts that are no longer valid from the Alerts Definition page to clear any alerts that are no longer desired.