The Telco Cloud Operations deploy tool is compatible with VMware OVF Tool, version 4.3.0.

The tool can be downloaded from A VMware account is needed to download the tool, please contact your VMware respresentative for further information.


  1. Download the VMware OVF Tool and copy it to your host under your home directory (or other location).
  2. Unzip the VMware OVF Tool. It should extract into a folder called ovftool in your directory.
  3. Add the following line to your .bashrc file:
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/worker/ovftool
    Notice the added .bashrc file line at the bottom.
    $ cat .bashrc
    # .bashrc
    # Source global definitions
    if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc
    # Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:
    # export SYSTEMD_PAGER=
    # User specific aliases and functions
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/worker/ovftool
  4. Run the .bashrc file:
    $ source .bashrc
  5. Verify the VMware OVF Tool is installed.
    $ ovftool --version
    VMware ovftool 4.3.0 (build-13912821)

What to do next

Install jq.