The Uploading Upgrade Package assists you with uploading the upgrade/patch package for VMware Telco Cloud Operations system using command-line interface and user interface.


  1. Copy the package to the control plane node of the VMware Telco Cloud Operations.
    $ scp <patching file name>.tar.gz root@control-plane-ip:/var/vmware/patching/patch-repo/
    For example: scp patch-v101.tar.gz [email protected]:/var/vmware/patching/patch-repo/
    Note: If root user is not enable, please use clusteradmin user to copy to the clusteradmin home, and move to the location: /var/vmware/patching/patch-repo/

    $ scp <patching file name>.tar.gz clusteradmin@control-plane-ip:/home/clusteradmin/

    For example: scp patch-v101.tar.gz [email protected]:/home/clusteradmin/

    Then log in to the control plane node. $ ssh clusteradmin@control-plane-ip.

    Move the file to the location: $sudo mv <patching file name>.tar.gz /var/vmware/patching/patch-repo/.

    For example: sudo mv patch-v101.tar.gz /var/vmware/patching/patch-repo/

  2. Go to https://Control Plane Node IP
    1. Navigate to Administration > System Upgrade
    2. Click Check for Update.

    All the available patches which were uploaded to the patching service are listed.