Class-Based-QOS metric type provides the metrics, properties and tags to represent the QOS statistics.

In VMware Telco Cloud Operations there are few sample reports for QOS, currently there are no collectors but the data from M&R QOS collectors can be ingested through M&R Gateway. Custom collectors can leverage this metric type to ingest the into VMware Telco Cloud Operations and create custom reports.

Example of the Class-Based QoS Metric.

  "collectorType" : "Kafka-Collector",
  "collectorInstance" : "KC-1",
  "collectedTimestamp" : 1573186658,
  "processedTimestamp" : 1573186658,
  "metricType" : "Class-Based-QOS",
  "properties" : {
    "dataSource" : "",
    "deviceType" : "Switch",
    "deviceName" : "Switch-",
    "entityType" : "Interface",
    "entityName" : "INT-node-113/eth1"
  "metrics" : {
    "cbQosCMDropByte64":      "100",
    "cbQosSetMplsExpTopMostPkt64":      "100",
    "cbQosCMPrePolicyByte64":     "100",
    "cbQosCMPostPolicyByte64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetSrpPriorityPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetFrFecnBecnPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetDiscardClassPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetQosGroupPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetAtmClpPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetL2CosPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetPrecedenceTunnelPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetFrDePkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosQueueingMaxQDepth":     "100",
    "cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosPoliceExceededPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosQueueingCurrentQDepth":     "100",
    "cbQosQueueingDiscardByte64":     "100",
    "cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosPoliceExceededByte64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetDscpTunnelPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetMplsExpImpositionPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetDscpPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosSetPrecedencePkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosPoliceViolatedByte64":     "100",
    "cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosPoliceConformedPkt64":     "100",
    "cbQosPoliceConformedByte64":     "100"
  "tags" : {
    "model" : "CAT-100",
   "version" : "",
    "customer" : "customer-1",
    "location" : "main street",
    "city" : "Zurich",
    "address" : "abc",
    "zip" : "90882",
    "region" : "region-1", 
    "deviceCoordinates" : "45.444348, -75.693934",
   "ifSpeed":   "1000000"

The following table includes JSON definitions.

JSON Description Units
cbQosCMDropByte64 The 64 bits counter of dropped bytes per class as the result of all features that can produce drops (e.g., police, random detect, etc.). Packets
cbQosSetMplsExpTopMostPkt64" The 64 bits count of packets whose MPLS Experimental TopMost field is marked by Set feature. Bytes
cbQosCMPrePolicyByte64 The 64 bits count of inbound octets prior to executing any QoS policies. Bytes
cbQosCMPostPolicyByte64 The 64 bits count of outbound octets after executing QoS policies. Bytes
cbQosSetSrpPriorityPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose SRP Priority field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetFrFecnBecnPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose Frame Relay FECN BECN field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetDiscardClassPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose Discard Class field is marked by Set feature Packets
cbQosSetQosGroupPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose Qos Group field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetAtmClpPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose ATM CLP Bit is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetL2CosPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose Layer 2 Cos field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetPrecedenceTunnelPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose Precedence Tunnel field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetFrDePkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose Frame Relay DE Bit is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosQueueingMaxQDepth The maximum depth of the queue. nb
cbQosPoliceViolatedPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets treated as violated by the policing feature. Packets
cbQosPoliceExceededPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets treated as non-conforming by the policing feature. Packets
cbQosQueueingCurrentQDepth The current depth of the queue. nb
cbQosQueueingDiscardByte64 The count of octets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing. Bytes
cbQosQueueingDiscardPkt64 The count of octets, associated with this class, that were dropped by queueing. Packets
cbQosPoliceExceededByte64 The 64 bits count of octets treated as conforming by the policing feature. Bytes
cbQosSetDscpTunnelPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose DSCP Tunnel field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetMplsExpImpositionPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose MPLS Experimental Imposition field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetDscpPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose DSCP field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosSetPrecedencePkt64 The 64 bits count of packets whose Precedence field is marked by Set feature. Packets
cbQosPoliceViolatedByte64 The 64 bits count of octets treated as violated by the policing feature. Bytes
cbQosCMNoBufDropPkt64 The 64 bits drop packet count which occured due to a lack of SRAM buffers during output processing on an interface. Packets
cbQosPoliceConformedPkt64 The 64 bits count of packets treated as conforming by the policing feature. Packets
cbQosPoliceConformedByte64 The 64 bits count of octets treated as conforming by the policing feature. Bytes