Server Manager for VeloCloud Networks notifications table lists the key notifications issued by the Smarts Server Manager for VeloCloud entities.
Class |
Event |
Description |
Orchestrator |
DiscoveryFailure |
The discovery for this VeloCloud orchestrator has failed. For some failures the attribute DiscoveryErrorString will have additional information about the discovery failure. |
MonitoringFailure |
The monitoring for this VeloCloud orchestrator has failed. In some failures the attribute MonitoringErrorString will have additional information about the monitoring failure. |
VEdge |
VNFDown |
The Edge is down. |
NotActivated |
The edge is deployed but not yet provisioned. |
HAReduced |
The edge is configured in Active/StandBy mode and one of the edge is down. |
SpokeEdgeImparied |
This edges is configured as a spoke in the Hub and Spoke configuration and atleast one of the Hub is reported as down. |
VGateway |
VNFDown |
The Gateway is down. |
NotActivated |
The Gateway is deployed but not yet provisioned. |
Tenant |
Impaired |
This event is active when one of the other active fault is impacting the tenant. This is used to show impacts to the Tenant. |
NonVCSiteRouter |
ReducedConnectivity |
When either the networkConection/Gateway (or both) connecting to the Non VeloCloud site is partially down. |
ConnectivityLost |
When either the networkConection/Gateway (or both) connecting to the Non VeloCloud site are fully down |
NetworkConnection |
DownOrFlapping |
Both the Edge links and Gateway to Non VeloCloud site connection are modeled as NetworkConnection. When these connections goes down the DownOrFlapping event is activated. |
Tunnel |
Impaired |
This event is activated when the one of the underlying physical/logical component for this tunnel exhibiting a fault condition.
Note: This functionality is available for only Edge to Edge tunnels created using the user defined tunnel configuration and MPLS server. This needs additional configuration which are explained in the
Creating VEdge to VEdge Tunnel and related MPLS core network section of congiguration guide.
VEdgeRedundancyGroup |
ReducedRedundancy |
Indicate that the atleast one of the edge in the edge cluster is down but the total number of edges that are down is above the AtRiskThreshold. |
AtRisk |
Indicate that the number of active edges in the cluster is below the AtRiskThreshold. |
AllComponentsDown |
Active when all the Edges in the Edge cluster are down. |
AppType |
Impaired |
This is event is active when the Edge goes down. This is used to show Edge impacts to AppType |