This section describes how to upgrade Aria Automation Orchestrator from 8.11.1, 8.12, or 8.13.1 to 8.16.1.


  1. Take a snapshot of the Aria Automation Orchestrator nodes.


    When you take the snapshot, ensure that the Snapshot the virtual machine's memory option is not enabled.

  2. Download and mount the Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.16.1 ISO image. To download Aria Automation Orchestrator, see the Aria Automation product downloads page.


What to do next

Verify that the Aria Automation Orchestrator is upgraded successfully:

  1. Navigate to the About page of the Aria Automation Orchestrator web interface:

    https://<orchestrator FQDN>/vco/api/about

  2. Verify that the About page displays the upgraded build number, product version, and API version of Aria Automation Orchestrator.