TCA provide an option to renew the expired Harbor certs by using CNF K8s workflow.
- Login to TCA-M, navigate to and select Harbor CNF.
- Select Run Workflow and choose Renew harbor certificates workflow.
- Provide New Base64 encoded
and CERT
- Provide the namespace where Harbor helm chart is deployed.
- Execute the Workflow to renew the cert and run the following command to validate that the new cert has been applied:
admin [ ~ ]$ kubectl get secret harbor-tls-secret -n harborcnf -o jsonpath='{.data.tls\.crt}'
The New cert should have the same CN, SAN (if configured), and IP (if configured) as of old Cert.
If Cert or Harbor passwords are changed as part of day-1 activity, then user has to edit the harbor partner system and update the password and certs in TCA.