Deploy the TCA Manager and TCA-CP using OVA through the vSphere Client in the Management vCenter.
- Deploy one appliance and select the appliance type as TCA manager during the appliance deployment. For more details, see Installing the System.
TCA-Manager Appliance
TCA-CP Appliances to register
Other Components to register
TCA-CP-EXTERNAL-K8S (optional)
MGMT vCenter as SSO
- Deploy three appliances and select the type as TCA Control Plane while deploying the appliance. For more details, see Installing the System.
Table 1. TCA- Control Plane Nodes TCA-CP Appliances
VIM Type to register
Other Components to register
Compute vCenter
Aria Automation Orchestrator
TCA-CP-EXTERNAL-K8S (optional)
Note: Required only when the user wants to integrate Telco Cloud Automation with any external Kubernetes platform.
External Kubernetes
Aria Automation Orchestrator
Note:Telco Cloud Automation, TCA-CP, Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster nodes can also be deployed in an airgapped environment. For more information about deploying the airgap server with Telco Cloud Automation, see Deploy TCA Airgap Appliance OVA.