For errors that concern an incorrect read community string, you should examine the read community string and correct the string if necessary. In the Notification Log Console, you can determine which community string is being used by double-clicking the notification and viewing the Details tab in the Notification Properties dialog box:

For manual discovery, a read community string can be specified in the seed file or in the Add Agent dialog box for each seed system, or one or more read community strings can be specified in the Topology tab of the Domain Manager Administration Console. “Adding and removing read community strings” on page 152 provides information about how to change community strings.

For autodiscovery, one or more read community strings can be specified in a discovery filter or in the Topology tab of the Domain Manager Administration Console.

For Cisco devices, do not configure the community string with a “@” character.

After correcting the read community string, add the system to the topology with the Add Agent command. You do not have to restart autodiscovery or re-import the entire seed file just to discover this one system.