The syntax of device entries in the oid2type_Field.conf file is the same as the syntax of device entries in any of the oid2type files, except that the CERTIFICATION level is set to TEMPLATE instead of CERTIFIED or VALIDATED. Here is the syntax of a device entry in the oid2type_Field.conf file:

# One or more commented-out lines that identify the device
<sysObjID> {
    TYPE = <unitary computer system class>
    VENDOR = <manufacturer>
    MODEL = <model name>
    <discovery driver keyword> = <driver parameter name>
    <discovery driver keyword> = <driver parameter name>
    <instrumentation keyword> = <instrumentation set>
    <instrumentation keyword> = <instrumentation set>

Each entry contains the system object ID (OID) of a device, followed by several fields that are enclosed in a pair of braces ({ }). The fields describe the device.

A device entry maps the system object ID of a device to a list of existing discovery drivers that the IP Manager should use to discover the device, and to a list of existing instrumentation sets that the IP Manager should use to monitor the device.