The naming scheme for automatic tagging is based on the route distinguisher (RD) tags obtained from the vendor VPN MIB on the discovered system.


The following discussion assumes DisableOverlappingIP = FALSE.

IP objects representing VRF IP addresses appear in the topology as:

Name: IP-<IP address>/<RD tag>

DisplayName: <RD tag>:<IP address> [<system containing this IP>]


Name: IP-

DisplayName: 29: [PE 1]

Name: IP-

DisplayName: 107: [PE 2]

Corresponding tagged IPNetwork objects appear in the topology as:

Name: IPNET-<IP network>/<RD tag>

DisplayName: <RD tag>:<IP network>


Name: IPNET-

DisplayName: 29:

Name: IPNET-

DisplayName: 107: