Autodiscovery is particularly useful when topology information is incomplete. Even in network environments where autodiscovery is not recommended, autodiscovery can sometimes be used during an initial discovery to inventory the network and to create a comprehensive topology. After the initial discovery, you could disable autodiscovery so that autodiscovery is not triggered by subsequent full or pending discoveries.

If you determine that using autodiscovery on a regular basis is inappropriate, but want to take advantage of autodiscovery during the initial discovery, configure autodiscovery carefully. Consider using the “Ask before adding new systems” option with each discovery filter to ensure the greatest control of the discovery process.

When the discovery process is complete, review the discovered topology and the Pending Devices list. Remember that discovering devices on the Pending Devices list will trigger an autodiscovery cycle.

After completing the initial discovery, disable autodiscovery and create a comprehensive seed file by using sm_tpmgr --dump-agents.