The general rule is to install and configure items from the bottom of the hierarchy first, moving up to the Domain Manager. The suggested installation order is as follows:

  1. Broker. (The broker is normally installed first, making it easier for the other components to connect to each other.)

  2. Underlying Domain Manager (IP Availability Manager, IP Performance Manager)

  3. Adapters

  4. Global Manager

  5. Global Console

    After the Global Manager is installed and configured, you can install the components that use the Global Manager as a server, such as the Global Console.

    To ease the troubleshooting of initial deployment, install more limited segments of the deployment first, such as an IP Availability Manager and then Global Manager. Always validate a segment before installing the next segment.

    By default, all products are installed as services and are started immediately after installation. During deployment, you should set the services to start manually until your installation and validation are complete.