Figure on page shows the content of the trap-notify.conf file when all commented lines are hidden. By default, the trap-notify.conf is configured for Service Assurancenotification subscription and three destinations. The Service Assurance Manager Notification Adapters User Guide describes the trap-notify.conf file from the Global Managerperspective.
GNA_Notifier::trap-Notifier { serverName = "INCHARGE-SA" ConfiguredBy = TrapConfiguration::Trap-Configuration { Destinations = { {"localhost", 9100, "V1"}} DestinationsWithCommunity = { {"localhost", 9101, "V2C", "public1"}} DestinationsSNMPv3={{"localhost", 9010,"V3","public","md5DesUser","MD5","DES","authPass","privPass","" }} } ReadsInputFrom = GA_SubscriberFE::trap-Subscriber-FrontEnd { eventSmoothingInterval = 0 minimumCertainty = 0.01 SubscribesTo = { GA_ChoiceSubscription::trap-All-Problems-Subscriptions GA_ProfileSubscription::trap-Default-Profile-Subscriptions { profileName = "default" } } } initialEventDelay = 0 }