To add an SNMPv3 seed system:
Attach the Domain Manager Administration Console to the target IP Manager.
“Opening the Domain Manager Administration Console” on page 18 provides instructions on opening this console.
In the Domain Manager Administration Console, select Topology > Add Agent, or click the Add Agent toolbar button to display the Add Agent dialog box.
In the dialog box, specify the hostname or IP address of the v3 seed system in the Agent Name field.
You can also specify the port on which the SNMP agent of the seed system receives requests by typing a colon (:) and the port number after the hostname or IP address. If you do not specify a port, the default port that is specified in the discovery.conf file is used.
Select the Advanced Options checkbox to display the Add Agent Advanced Options panel.
In the Advanced Options panel, you can optionally specify the SNMP port and the access mode for the v3 seed system. Chapter 2 in IP Manager Concepts Guide describes these options and their values.
In the Advanced Options panel, select SNMP version v3 to display the Add Agent SNMPv3 Specifications panel.
In the SNMPv3 Specifications panel, you must specify the username for the v3 seed system; you can optionally specify the SNMP engine ID, the authentication protocol, the privacy protocol, and the context name.
If you specify an authentication protocol (MD5, SHA, or NONE—NONE is the default), you must specify an authentication password; the password that you type is masked with asterisks (*) for security reasons. If you specify NONE for the authentication protocol or leave the field empty, no password is required.
If you specify a privacy protocol (DES, AES, or NONE—NONE is the default), you must specify a privacy password; the password that you type is masked with asterisks (*) for security reasons. If you specify NONE for the privacy protocol or leave the field empty, no password is required.
IP Manager Concepts Guide describes these options and their values.
Click OK to add the v3 seed system and to start the discovery process. The Discovery Progress window appears.
Chapter 3, Discovery, in the IP Manager Concepts Guide provides information about discovery errors and their solutions, and about pending systems.