The pending discovery interval may be configured to a different value than the full discovery interval.

The pending discovery interval is counted from the time when the IP Manager is started. So, if the pending discovery interval is set to 6 hours (the default) and the IP Manager is started at 5 A.M., the pending discovery will occur every 6 hours thereafter, that is, at 11 A.M., at 5 P.M., at 11 P.M., and so on.

To specify a pending discovery interval other than 6 hours:

  1. Attach the Domain Manager Administration Console to the target IP Manager.

    “Opening the Domain Manager Administration Console” on page 18provides instructions on opening this console.

  2. In the left panel of the Domain Manager Administration Console, click the IP Manager name to display a multiple-tab window in the right panel of the console.

  3. Click Topology.

  4. Type a value in the Interval field for pending discovery and select a time interval (Seconds, Minutes, Hours, or Days) from the list box. Ensure that the interval is equal to or greater than 5 minutes.

  5. Click Apply.

    Like full discovery, you can use the cron or sm_sched scheduler and the dmctl or sm_tpmgr command to schedule a pending discovery at a specific time. Examples of dmctl and sm_tpmgr commands to initiate a pending discovery are given in “Starting pending discovery from the command line” on page 88.

    If you use cron or sm_sched or some other scheduler utility to schedule pending discoveries, set the Interval field for pending discovery to 99 days in the Domain Manager Administration Console.