To verify that your VLAN impact propagation groups are configured properly:

  1. Attach the Domain Manager Administration Console to the target IP Manager.

    Instructions for opening the Domain Manager Administration Console are presented in “Opening the Domain Manager Administration Console” on page 18.

  2. In the console, select Topology > Discover All to rediscover all managed systems.

  3. In the topology tree of the console, expand the VLAN class to see the VLAN instances that the IP Manager just rediscovered.

  4. Select a VLAN instance that is configured to be a member of a VLAN impact propagation group and click its name to display its Attributes tab in the right panel.

  5. In the Attributes tab, verify that the value of the isImpactPropOverVLANEnabled attribute is set to FALSE.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each VLAN instance that is configured to be a member of a VLAN impact propagation group.