To enable the IP Manager to bypass the port bridges relationship check while creating port-to-port or port-to-interface connections between two devices that are Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) neighbors across LAN segments, add the following parameter and value to the discovery.conf file:

CiscoOnlyNetwork TRUE

By default, CiscoOnlyNetwork is set to FALSE.

Also, by default, the IP Manager checks a port’s “Bridges” relationship for a relationship to a peer port’s MAC or a peer interface’s MAC. If no MAC is found, which is often the case in a shared media like Ethernet or token ring, the IP Manager assumes that an intermediate device exists between the port and its peer, and responds by not creating a connection between the port and its peer.

In contrast, for CiscoOnlyNetwork = TRUE, the IP Availability Manager:

  • Assumes that all networking devices are Cisco and are running CDP, and that no intermediate device exists between the port and its peer.

  • Bypasses the port Bridges relationship check.

  • Creates a connection between the port and its peer.