This section provides the following troubleshooting information:
“ Unusual growth in log file size”
“ Disabling VLAN impact propagation through GUI or dmctl (CQ 634074)”
“ IP server crashed on the failover/secondary host (CQ 634162)”
“ Devices sharing a common MAC address were overwritten/deleted (CQ 553751/CQ 634164)”
“ IP Manager hangs after pstack or stacktrace (CQ 575017/CQ 553871/CQ 582036/SR43006286)”
“ Incorrect layering of ATM interfaces resulted in erroneous notifications”
“ Multiple user-defined-connections.conf files”
“ Virtual IP scenario not generating device down event”
“ Keepalive issues through firewall”
“ ConnectedVia relationship in ASL”
“ Etherchannel interfaces in Availability Manager and Performance Manager”