You may want to receive SNMPv3 traps from some of your network devices. The SNMP Trap Adapter supports the following SNMPv3 features:

  • The ability to receive SNMPv3 traps, convert them to SNMPv2c, and forward them in SNMPv2c format to other elements of the system such as IP Domain Managers or Adapter Platform.

  • The use of the SNMPv3 User Security Model (USM) for authentication and privacy, as described in RFC-3414.

  • The ability to load USM user credentials by using text files (similar in format to existing IP domain manager seed files).

  • The use of authentication protocols MD5 and SHA-1 (RFC-3414).

  • The use of privacy protocols DES (RFC-3414) and AES-128 (RFC 3826).

    If the SNMPv3 network devices are configured to support authentication and encryption, you have to load the agent credentials by using a seed file to enable the SNMP Trap Adapter to receive the SNMPv3 traps.