The Email Notifier Adapter is started manually using the sm_notify command or the sm_service start command. For a customized Email Notifier Adapter, you must also specify the location and name of the configuration file that contains the customization information.
The syntax to start a customized Email Notifier Adapter using the sm_notify command is:
tBASEDIR/smarts/bin/sm_notify --output --confdir=<DIRECTORY> --conf=<CONF_FILE_NAME> mails
The parameters --conf and --confdir are used with the sm_notify command to override the default configuration files for each adapter.The figure describes these parameters.
If you have renamed your configuration files, but have kept them in default BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/notifier directory, use the --conf startup parameter. If your configuration files retain the default names, but are in a new location, use the --confdir startup parameter.
Modifying the configuration file on page 63 contains a UNIX example on starting the Email Notifier Adapter, issue:
t# BASEDIR/smarts/bin/sm_notify --output --confdir=BASEDIR/smarts/Custom/mail/conf --conf=mail-notify-Router.conf mails