The following portion of the file shows the relationship keywords (in bold) that can be stated between Offering Types and Subscriber Types, between Subscriber Types and Subscriber Types, and between Offering Types and underlying infrastructure elements and applications. The serves and servedby relationships are valid for the BusinessProcess Offering Type but not for the ServiceOffering Offering Type:

# <Offering Type> <service> subscribers <Subscriber Type>::<subscriber1> ...
# <Offering Type> <service> subscribers file:<//foo/bar/service.subscribers>
# <Offering Type> <service> members <class1>::<instance1> ...
# <Offering Type> <service> members file:<//foo/bar/service.members>
# <Subscriber Type> <subscriber> subscriptions <Offering Type>::<service1> ...
# <Subscriber Type> <subscriber> composedof <Subscriber Type>::<subscriber1> ...
# <Subscriber Type> <subscriber> partof <Subscriber Type>::<subscriber1> ...
# BusinessProcess <bProcess> serves <bProcess1> ...
# BusinessProcess <bProcess> servedby <bProcess1> ...

Relationships enable Business Impact Manager to associate business elements with each other, and with underlying infrastructure elements and applications. Relationships also identify dependencies of elements on other elements, and identify groupings. Examples:

  • subscriptions

  • (corresponds to the ICIM-defined relationship named Subscriptions):

    Associates a Subscriber Type to one or more Offering Types that are being provided to the Subscriber Type.

  • subscribers

  • (corresponds to the ICIM-defined relationship named Subscribers):

    Associates an Offering Type to one or more Subscriber Types who subscribe to the Offering Type.

  • members

  • (corresponds to the ICIM-defined relationship named ConsistsOf):

    Associates an Offering Type to one or more underlying infrastructure, application, or hierarchical group elements that are directly relied upon by the Offering Type. The list of underlying elements might be a list of network elements (hosts, routers, and so on), a list of applications, or a HierarchicalGroup.

  • servedby

  • (corresponds to the ICIM-defined relationship named ServedBy):

    Associates a BusinessProcess to one or more other BusinessProcesses that serve the BusinessProcess.