Chapter 10, “Working with Filters,� provides information on specifying Context and Status Criteria by using the Filter Builder. You can use an expression filter or an ASL filter to specify context and Status Criteria. Unlike the filters you can create for notification lists, you can use either an expression filter or an ASL filter, but not both.
The following example illustrates creating Context Criteria using Filter Builder:
Select a class from the Context object list box. The filter expression is matched against one or more attributes of the selected class.
For example, select the UnitaryComputerSystem class.
Add an attribute to the filter sheet to specify a wildcard expression against an attribute of UnitaryComputerSystem. This enables you to narrow the range of notifications for which the tool is displayed.
If you do not add an attribute, the Context Criteria matches all instances of UnitaryComputerSystem or its subclasses.
Click Next. The filter sheet for Status Criteria appears.
Select a class from the Status object list box. The filter expression is matched against one or more attributes of the selected class.
For example, to match Routers, select the Router class.
Add an attribute to the filter sheet to specify a wildcard expression against an attribute of the Router class.
If do not add an attribute, the Status Criteria matches all instances of the Router class.
For example, select the Vendor attribute and type a value of CISCO. The Status and Context Criteria for this tool specify that it displays in the Server Tools menu for any system element or any notification for which the failing element is a system. If that system is a router with a value of CISCO for its Vendor attribute, the tool is active and can be invoked.
Do the following:
Click Next to view the confirmation screen.
Click Finish to create the tool configuration.