To manually create a domain group:

  1. From the Global Manager Administration Console, click Edit > New Domain Group.

    The Domain Groups Creation Wizard appears.

  2. Type a name in the Group Name field.

  3. Type a description in the Group Description field.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Click Default Configuration.


    To customize the configuration, click Customized Configuration and complete the Select Topology Server options. If the Default Server option is selected, the wizard creates a default server for this group. The default server does not include any domain tagging information. The default server’s domain type is copied from the corresponding domains of the copied domain group.

  6. Click Next.

    The instance that will be created once the domain group creation process is complete appears in the wizard.


    By default, the domain group is enabled. If a domain is part of the domain group, it is also enabled. To disable the domain group, clear its checkbox.

  7. Click Finish.