Console operations and groups lists the console operations and their assigned group. To facilitate the configuration of user profiles, the following sets of groups are provided:

  • Read Only includes the Detail Information, Map, and Views groups

  • Operator includes the groups in Read Only and Event Management

  • Administrator includes all groups

    When one of these sets is selected, the associated groups and operations are automatically selected.

    The administrator can then customize the selected groups or operations as described in “Creating a user profile” on page 41.

Table 1. Console operations and groups

Group/Console operation


Detail Information


Opens a Topology Browser view from the Global Manager and displays the element as the root.

Browse Detail

Opens a Topology Browser view from the underlying Domain Manager and displays the element as the root.

Expand Map Node

Expands a map node to display connected nodes.

Show Containment

Displays an element’s components.


Physical Connectivity

Opens a map displaying physical connectivity.

IP Connectivity

Opens a map displaying IP connectivity.

VLAN Connectivity

Opens a map displaying VLAN connectivity.


Opens a map showing group elements (IP or VLAN).

Business Services

Opens a map displaying business elements.


Opens a map displaying application elements.

Network Protocol Manager Connectivity

Opens a map that depicts topology and connectivity for:

  • BGP Connectivity

  • OSPF Connectivity

  • OSPF Network Connectivity

  • EIGRP Connectivity

  • EIGRP Network Connectivity

  • ISIS Connectivity

  • ISIS Network Connectivity

MPLS Connectivity

Opens a map that depicts MPLS topology.

Multicast Connectivity

Opens a map that depicts Multicast topology.


A Multicast map depicts multicast topology.

Storage Network Connectivity

Opens a map that depicts storage network topology.


Notification Log

Provides the ability to access a Notification Log view.

Topology Browser

Provides the ability to access a Topology Browser view.


Provides the ability to access a Summary view.

Status Table

Provides the ability to access a Status Table view.


Open a Map Console.

View Configuration

Notification View Filter

Create a filter for a Notification Log.

Summary Filter

Create a filter for Summary Views.

Edit Summary Parameters

Edit a Summary View configuration.

Add Summary

Add a Summary to a Summary View.

Delete Summary

Remove a Summary from a Summary View.

Status Table Configuration

Edit Status Table configuration.



Save the console to wherever it was originally loaded from, local or remote.

If a console has not been previously saved, the system will prompt the user for information on where to save the console.

Save Remote As

Save a console to the Global Manager.

Open Local

Open a console from the local system.

Open Remote

Open a Console from the Global Manager.

InCharge Manager Attach

Attach to a Domain Manager.

InCharge Manager Detach

Detach from a Domain Manager.

Views Management

Add View

Provides the ability to add a view to a console, and also open a new console (for example, Notification Log Console).


You can only add views or open a console for views for which you have permission to access.

Delete View

Remove a view from the console.

Copy View

Copy a view in the console.

Copy View as New Console

Copy a view in the console and open as a new console.

Set View Context Listening

Set listening context for active view.

Event Management

Take Ownership

Take ownership of a notification.

Release Ownership

Release ownership of a notification.

Schedule Maintenance

Schedule maintenance on a managed element.


Acknowledge a notification.


Unacknowledge a notification.

Notification Properties

Open a notification properties dialog or add notification properties view to console.


Configure Group

Open a Groups Definition Console.

Configure Global Manager Administration Console

Open a Global Manager Administration Console.

Configure Domain Manager Administration Console

Open a Domain Manager Administration Console.

Configure Map Icons

Specify custom icons for map nodes using the Global Manager Administration Console.

Launch Topology Builder

Open the Topology Builder Console.

Save View as Viewlet

Save a view as a viewlet for the InCharge Business Dashboard.