This benchmark defines how many traps per second the Service Assurance Manager can successfully process. The following points were considered when setting up the benchmark environment:

  • The benchmark is based on receiving a mix of new notifications from multiple traps

  • The trap adapter will be tested with, and without ASL scripts in use

  • The trap adapter is flooded using a trap generator with traps ranging from 2000 to 10000 TPM to reach it’s optimum limit

  • SAM servers, Trap Exploder, Trap Adapter are running on the same machine.

    The following configurations were tested:

  • One trap adapter, no trap exploder, ASL script disabled

  • One trap adapter, with trap exploder, ASL script disabled

  • One trap adapter, with trap exploder, ASL script enabled

  • One trap adapter, with trap exploder, ASL script enabled, with Queue limits settings

  • Two trap adapters, with trap exploder, ASL script enabled