This section explains procedure for enabling TLS with Scram authentication for Edge Kafka .
To enable TLS communication between Kafka Edge and Domain Managers, in the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance Kubernetes Cluster, execute the following commands.
- Login to the deployer VM from where the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance Kubernetes Cluster was deployed and export the Kubernetes Cluster configuration file using the following command:
export KUBECONFIG=<Path to the kubernetes configuration file including the filename>
- Command to fetch the Kafka Edge Certificate and Password:
export CLUSTER_NAME=edge kubectl get secret $CLUSTER_NAME-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 --decode > ca.crt kubectl get secret $CLUSTER_NAME-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath='{\.password}' | base64 --decode > ca.password
- Command to fetch the Kafka Edge Scram Password:
export USER_NAME=kafka-scram-sha-512-client-credentials export SCRAM_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH=user-scram.password kubectl get secret $USER_NAME -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode > $SCRAM_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH export SCRAM_PASSWORD=`cat $SCRAM_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH`
- Copy the Kafka Edge TLS certificate and password files from Step1 and the Kafka Edge Scram Password file from Step 2, to the system where Domain Manager is deployed.
- Install the Kafka edge certificate in Domain Manager:
export CERT_FILE_PATH=ca.crt export CERT_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH=ca.password export KEYSTORE_LOCATION=cacerts export PASSWORD=`cat $CERT_PASSWORD_FILE_PATH` export CA_CERT_ALIAS=strimzi-kafka-cert keytool -noprompt -importcert -alias $CA_CERT_ALIAS -file $CERT_FILE_PATH -keystore $KEYSTORE_LOCATION -keypass $PASSWORD -storepass $PASSWORD
- Create a directory under Smarts/local/conf called as
and paste files under the directorycacerts
. - Modify the /etc/hosts file where the Domain Manager Servers are running to update the IP address to Kafka Service mapping:
<IPAddress of Edge Kafka> kafka-edge
.Note: For identifying the Kafka IP address, please refer the → link. - Kafka TLS authentication related information:
- Kafka Scram user name : kafka-scram-sha-512-client-credentials.
- SCRAM_PASSWORD : Contains Kafka Scram password.
- */smarts/local/conf/cacerts : Kafka trust store location in domain manager servers (For example: /opt/InCharge/ESM/smarts/local/conf/cacerts).
- PASSWORD : Contains Trust Store password.
Note: Delete the following password files after configuring Kafka TLS information in the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance user interface domain settings.- ca.password
- user-scram.password