You can configure Default Hop Count and Sparkline Graph functionalities in this Topology Map Configuration Tab.
- Go to https://Telcocloud serviceassurance-ui-IP.
A typical URL for logging in to the user interface from the same system on which
VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance is installed is, https://10.x.x.x.
- Enter the user name and password.
- Click Next.
- Navigate to the Administration > Configuration tab.
- Click Topology Map Configuration.
- Select the Default Hop count by selecting any of the numbers (1 to 5) from the drop-down menu.
- To enable the Sparkline Graph view by default, select the check box Default Sparkline Graph Enable.
- To select the type of the Sparkline Graph in the Sparkline Graph Type, select the radio-button (Metric).
- Provide a name of the Sparkline Graph in the Sparkline Graph Metric section.
- Provide a name of the Sparkline Graph in the Sparkline Graph Metric section.
- Enter the input in the section Sparkline Graph GroupBy Field.
- Select the radio-button (AVG / MAX / MIN) for the section Sparkline Graph Aggregation Function.
- Select the required duration (last-1-hour to last-24-hour) from the drop-down menu Sparkline Graph Duration.
- Select the radio-button (Hour or Minute) from the section Sparkline Graph Granularity.
- After the necessary configuration, click SAVE to apply the changes. Else, click RESET or RESTORE DEFAULT to the discard the changes.