This section describes the procedure for creating new DCF Credentials.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Domain Settings.
  2. In the DCF Credentials section, click Add.
    Create New DCF Credential page is displayed.
  3. You can configure DCF Credentials with Others and OI Server as domain type. Enter the parameters as listed in the following table when the domain type is Others:
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name of the DCF Credential Provide a name for the DCF Credential. NA
    Domain Type Select the domain type as Others. Others
    Type Provide the type of DCF Credential. dcf
    DCF Hostname Provide the hostname for the DCF Credential.
    DCF Port Provide the port number for the DCF Credential.

    For TKG deployment, the port is 30002.

    For AKS deployment, the port is 443.

    DCF Username Provide the username for the DCF Credential. admin
    DCF Password Provide the password for the DCF Credential. changeme
    DCF Protocol Provide the REST API for the DCF Credential. https
    Matching Criteria When others is selected, provide the matching criteria for device access configuration. This is of the form <FieldName>=<Reg ex>.
    Broker Host Select the broker IP for the DCF Credential.
    Domain Manager Select the domain manager from the drop-down menu. NA
    Domain Credential Select the domain credential from the drop-down menu. defaultSmartsDomainCredential
    Poll Interval Provide the poll interval value for the DCF Credential. 240
    Request Retry Provide the request retry value for the DCF Credential. 2
    Response Timeout Provide the response timeout value for the DCF Credential. 200
    Enter the parameters as listed in the following table when the domain type is OI Server.
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name of the DCF Credential Provide a name for the DCF Credential. NA
    Domain Type Select the domain type as OI Server. Others
    DCF Hostname Provide the hostname for the DCF Credential.
    DCF Port Provide the port number for the DCF Credential.

    For TKG deployment, the port is 30002.

    For AKS deployment, the port is 443.

    DCF Username Provide the username for the DCF Credential. admin
    DCF Password Provide the password for the DCF Credential. changeme
    DCF Protocol Provide the REST API for the DCF Credential. https
    Broker Host Select the broker IP for the DCF Credential.
    Domain Manager Select the domain manager from the drop-down menu. NA
    Domain Credential Select the domain credential from the drop-down menu. defaultSmartsDomainCredential
    Poll Interval Provide the poll interval value for the DCF Credential. 240
    Request Retry Provide the request retry value for the DCF Credential. 2
    Response Timeout Provide the response timeout value for the DCF Credential. 200
  4. Click Save.
    To Edit or Delete any DCF Credentials, click the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon against the DCF Credential name.