The topology section provides information on specific classes, attributes, relationships, and events related to Network Functions and the underlying Kubernetes infrastructure.

Topology Objects

The Server Manager builds a topology of the 5G core solution components. The topology objects represent the 5G Core components in the network, their relationships, and their connections. These objects include:

  • VropsService: Represents the vROps service instance through which the Kubernetes cluster is discovered. This VropsService represents the vROps instance where Kubernetes management pack is running.
  • KubernetesMaster: Represents a master node which controls and manages a set of worker nodes.
  • KubernetesWorker: Represents the nodes that are responsible for running the workload.
  • KubernetesPod: Represents the pod in Kubernetes ecosystem and this pod is the smallest execution unit in Kubernetes.
  • Container: In Kubernetes, it represents the container. This container refers to an image that is ready-to-run software package that includes everything with which you can run your application.
  • KubernetesService: Represents the service instance in Kubernetes environment. Primarily it is an abstraction which defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which you can access them.
  • KubernetesReplicaSet: Represents the ReplicaSet in Kubernetes ecosystem. Primarily ReplicaSet maintains a stable set of replica pods running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical pods.
  • TcaService: It is the service instance that is used to discover the core 5G service deployments.
  • ContainerNetworkFunction: Represents the network function that is running as a container in Kubernetes cluster.

The following table provides a list of classes, key attributes, relationships, and events.

Class Key Attributes Key Relationship Problem and Event
  • IsDiscoveryFailure
  • IsMonitoringFailure
  • IsManaged
  • DiscoveryCollectorID
  • MonitoringCollectorID
  • MemberOf:: InChargeDomain
  • Discovers:: KubernetesMaster
  • DiscoveryFailure
  • MonitoringFailure
  • IsNodeUnResponsive
  • IsNodeUnHealthy
  • IsDeployedOnVMDown
  • IsDeployedOnVMDownOrImpaired
  • IsRelatedEdgeHavingProblem
  • IsDeployedOnVMPowerOff
  • IsVMHostUnResponsive
  • MemberOf:: InChargeDomain
  • Manages:: KubernetesWorker
  • DeployedOn:: VirtualMachine
  • DiscoveredBy:: VropsService
  • Down
  • NodeUnResponsive
  • IsNodeUnResponsive
  • IsDeployedOnVMDown
  • IsRelatedEdgeHavingProblem
  • IsDeployedOnVMPowerOff
  • IsVMHostUnResponsive
  • IsMasterNodeDown
  • Contains:: KubernetesPod
  • DeployedOn:: VirtualMachine
  • ManagedBy:: KubernetesMaster
  • MemberOf:: InChargeDomain
  • Down
  • NodeUnResponsive
  • IsPodNotWorking
  • IsVMHostUnResponsive
  • IsEdgeHavingProblem
  • ContainedBy:: KubernetesWorker
  • Contains:: Container
  • MemberOf:: InChargeDomain
  • Down
  • Failed
  • IsVMHostUnResponsive
  • IsManaged
  • IsEdgeHavingProblem
  • IsContainerFailed

ContainedBy:: KubernetesPod

  • Failed
  • IsServiceDysFunctional
  • IsVMHostUnResponsive
  • PartOf:: CentralUnitUserPlane
  • MemberOf:: InChargeDomain
  • UsesService:: KubernetesService
  • Impaired