This section lists the key notifications for vRAN entities.

The following table lists the vRAN notifications.
Class Event Description


Virtual machine has CPU contention due to long wait for I/O events.

Indicates that the virtual machine has CPU contention due to long wait for IO events.

Virtual machine disk I/O write latency is high. Indicates that the virtual machine latency is high
VMToolsNotUpToDate Indicates that the VM tools in a virtual are machine are not upto date.
IncompleteNetworkConfiguration Indicates that the virtual machine has incomplete network configuration.
VM-HighCPU-Demand-Event Indicates that the virtual machine has high demand for CPU event.
VMToolsNotInstalled Indicates that the virtual machine tools are not installed.
Virtual machine is running on snapshots for more than two days. Indicates that the virtual machine is running on snapshots for more than two days.
One or more virtual machine guest file systems are running out of disk space. Indicates that the guest files in a virtual machine are running out of space.
DownOrImpaired Indicates that the virtual machine is down or impared.
PoweredOff Indicates that the virtual machine is powered off.



Indicates that the hypervisor is not hosted.

VMwareCluster ReducedRedundancy Indicates that the VMware cluster has reduced redundancy.
AutoVMotionCapabilityImpaired Indicates that the auto VMotion capability in VMware Cluster is impaired.
VirtualAppliance StoppedPartiallyRunningOrSuspended Indicates that the virtual appliance stopped partially running or suspended.



Indicates that discovery using TcaService is failed.

TcoAlarmMetricalarms Memory_Utilization_High Indicates that metrics alarm memory utilization is high.
Port Down Indicates that port is down.
Interface Down Indicates that interface is down.
Disabled Indicates that interface is disabled.
LogicalConnectionDown Indicates that logical connection for interface is down.
Blade Down Indicates that the blade is down.
BladeEnclosureManager Unresponsive Indicates that the blade enclosure manager is unresponsive.
Host DiscoveryError Indicates that there is discovery error in host.
Unresponsive Indicates that host is unresponsive.
UnresponsiveInRemote Indicates that host is unresponsive in remote.
Switch DiscoveryError Indicates that there is discovery error in switch.
Down Indicates tha the switch is down.
Unresponsive Indicates that the switch is unresponsive.
UnresponsiveInRemote Indicates that the switch is unresponsive in remote.
Router DiscoveryError Indicates that there is discovery error in router.
Unresponsive Indicates that the router is unresponsive.
UnresponsiveInRemote Indicates that the host is unresponsive in remote.
LogicalSwitch ConnectivityImpaired Indicates that the connectivity in logical switch is impaired.
WirelessAccessPoint Unresponsive Indicates that the wireless access point is impaired.
Container Container CPU limit is set to unlimited Indicates that the CPU limit for container is set as unlimited.
Container Memory limit is set to unlimited Indicates that the memory limit for container is set as unlimited.
Pod CPU usage is high Indicates that the CPU use for pod is high.
HealthNotNormal Indicates that the health of pod is not normal.
KubernetesPod HealthNotNormal Indicates that the health of Kubernetes pod is not normal.
Down Indicates that the kubernetes pod is down.
Failed Indicates that the Kubernetes pod is failed.
KubernetesWorker NodeUnResponsive Indicates that Kubernetes worker node is unresponsive.
KubernetesService HealthNotNormal Indicates that the health of Kubernetes service is not normal.
ServiceMightBeDown Indicates that the Kubernetes service is down.
NetworkFunction Impaired Indicates that the network function is impaired.
gNodeB CUCPFunctionAffected Indicates that the CUCP function of gNodeB is affected.
CUUPFunctionAffected Indicates that the CUUP function of gNodeB is affected.
DUFunctionAffected Indicates that the DU function of gNodeB is affected.
CentralUnitUserPlane Impaired Indicates that the CUUP is impaired.
DistributedUnit Impaired Indicates that the DU is impaired.
Cable DownOrFlapping Indicates that the cable is down or flapping.
PortLink DownOrFlapping Indicates that the port link is down or flapping.
Down Indicates that the port is down.
Session Disconnected Indicates that the session is disconnected.
FibreChannelSwitchPort Disabled Indicates that the fibre channel switch port is disabled.