5G Core objects have the following relationships:

  • KubernetesMaster:
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • Manages with KubernetesWorker
    • DeployedOn with VirtualMachine
    • DiscoveredBy with VropsService
  • KubernetesWorker:
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • ManagedBy with KubernetesMaster
    • Contains with KubernetesPod
    • DeployedOn with VirtualMachine
  • KubernetesPod:
    • ContainedBy with KubernetesWorker
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • Contains with Container
  • Container:
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • ContainedBy with KubernetesPod
  • ContainerNetworkFunction:
    • PartOf with CentralUnitUserPlane
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • UsesService with KubernetesService
  • KubernetesReplicaSet:
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • Replicates with KubernetesPod
  • KubernetesService:
    • MemberOf with InChargeDomain
    • servesPod with KubernetesPod
    • ServiceUsedBy with ContainerNetworkFunction

Topology Map

The following illustrations display the various maps available for 5G Core:

Figure 1. 5G Core