To specify the underlying ASIA-MPLS domains for configuration scenario 2:

  1. Attach the Global Manager Administration Console to the target Global Manager.

    Instructions for opening the Global Manager Administration Console are presented in Chapter 4, “Opening the Global Console.”

  2. In the left panel of the Global Manager Administration Console, right-click Domain Groups and then click the pop-up menu to launch the Domain Group Creation Wizard.

  3. Consult GUID-2F851C8A-CA54-46EA-A3C0-67CC59D29D74.html#GUID-2F851C8A-CA54-46EA-A3C0-67CC59D29D74___MPLS_CONFIG_SAM_57786 and follow the directions to create an MPLS domain group named ASIA-MPLS.

    Creating the ASIA-MPLS domain group automatically creates the following component server domains: