During the startup of an MPLS server, the --config option in the service command determines the role of the server:

  • The --config=mpls-t option (or -c mpls-t for short) starts the server as an MPLS Topology Server by booting the server in accordance to the bootstrap.conf file in the mpls-t directory.

  • The --config=mpls-m option (or -c mpls-m for short) starts the server as an MPLS Monitoring Server by booting the server in accordance to the bootstrap.conf file in the mpls-m directory.

  • The --config=mpls-a option (or -c mpls-a for short) starts the server as an MPLS Analysis Server by booting the server in accordance to the bootstrap.conf file in the mpls-a directory.

    The mpls-t, mpls-m, and mpls-a directories are in the BASEDIR/smarts/conf directory.

    The booting initiates the loading of all the .import (probe) and configuration files in the mpls-t, mpls-m, or mpls-a directory. The MPLS.importlast script in the mpls-t, mpls-m, or mpls-a directory loads the mpls-tma.conf file.