Network Protocol Manager for BGP uses the following values to detect whether a BGP protocol endpoint is flapping:

  • Minimum traps

    The minimum number of bgpEstablished traps that must be received in order to determine that the endpoint is unstable. This value is set by the Trap_Count_Threshold parameter in the BGP Session Flapping threshold setting. A value of 0 disables flapping analysis.

  • Trap time window

    The period, in seconds, within which the minimum traps must be received to declare the endpoint unstable. This value is set by the Trap_Time_Window parameter in the BGP Session Flapping threshold setting. A value of 0 disables flapping analysis.

    Once an endpoint is declared unstable, Network Protocol Manager for BGP computes the stable time.

  • Stable time

    The length of time that must elapse without additional bgpEstablished traps before Network Protocol Manager for BGP declares the endpoint stable again. The stable time depends on the length of time that the endpoint was unstable.

    The stable time is at least as large as the unstable length of time, and at least as large as Trap_Time_Window. However, the stable time cannot be longer than one hour (3600 seconds).

  • Flap clear window

    The length of time, in minutes, that must elapse before Network Protocol Manager for BGP clears the Flapping event on the associated BGP session. This value is set by the FLAP_Clear_Window parameter in the BGP Session Flapping threshold setting. A value of 0 disables the clearing of Flapping events.

    The Network Protocol Manager Configuration Guide provides more information about the Trap_Count_Threshold, Trap_Time_Window, and FLAP_Clear_Window parameters in the BGP Session Flapping threshold setting.