Perform this procedure only if the trap exploder is to process SNMPv3 traps. The procedure consists of placing a copy of an IP Availability Manager seed file in the BASEDIR/smarts/conf/trapd directory in the Service Assurance Manager installation area.

It is assumed that you have already created a seed file for IP Availability Manager discovery purposes. Typically, you create a seed file by using the sm_edit utility to open and add seed entries to a template file named seedfile, located in the BASEDIR/smarts/conf directory in the IP Manager installation area.

IP Availability Manager uses the seed entries and their credentials to contact the seed systems during discovery. The trap exploder uses the entries and their credentials to verify and decrypt SNMPv3 trap messages received from SNMPv3-capable seed systems once the seed systems are discovered.

To enable the trap exploder to process SNMPv3 traps:

  1. In the IP Manager installation area, make a copy of the seed file that was created for discovery purposes and save it to the BASEDIR/smarts/conf/trapd directory in the Service Assurance Manager installation area. The seed filename must match the name specified in the --seed option of the trap exploder startup command.

  2. In the Service Assurance Manager installation area, go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory and type the following command to open the seed file.

                   sm_edit conf/trapd/
                   <seed file>
  3. Modify the seed file as appropriate for your deployment.

  4. Save and close the file.

    The modified version of the seed file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/trapd directory in the Service Assurance Manager installation area.

  5. If the trap exploder was running before you edited the seed file, restart the trap exploder.