To start the service on Linux:
Navigate to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory for the product.
Type: ./sm_service start < service_name >
Press Enter.
Repeat Steps 2-3 for each service name that is installed for your deployment.
Product |
Service name |
Service Assurance Manager |
ic-sam-server |
SAM with Notification Cache Publishing Enabled |
ic-sam-server-pres |
Data Web Applications (Tomcat) |
smarts-tomcat |
EMC Data Access API (EDAA) |
smarts-edaa |
Notification Exchange (Rabbit MQ) |
smarts-rabbitmq |
Notification Cache (ElasticSearch) |
smarts-elasticsearch |
Adapter Platform |
ic-icoi-server |
Business Impact Manager |
ic-mbim-server |