The following metrics data are collected through the Cisco IP-SLA Collector.

Metric Name Description
CtrlAdminFrequency Specifies the duration between initiating each RTT operation.
CtrlAdminStatus Provides the status of the conceptual RTT control row.
CtrlAdminThreshold Defines an administrative threshold limit. If the RTT operation time exceeds this limit and if the conditions specified in rttMonReactAdminThresholdType or rttMonHistoryAdminFilter are satisfied, a threshold is generated.
CtrlAdminTimeout Specifies the duration to wait for a RTT operation completion.
CtrlAdminVerifyData When set to true, the resulting data in each RTT operation is compared with the expected data.
CtrlOperOctetsInUse Provides the number of octets currently in use by this composite conceptual RTT row.
CtrlOperRttLife This object is decremented every second, until it reaches zero. When the value of this object is zero RTT operations for this row are suspended.
EchoAdminCodecInterval Represents the inter-packet delay between packets and is in milliseconds.
EchoAdminCodecNumPackets Represents the number of packets that need to be transmitted.
EchoAdminCodecPayload Represents the number of octets that needs to be placed into the Data portion of the message.
EchoAdminInterval Represents the inter-packet delay between packets and is in milliseconds.
EchoAdminNumPackets Represents the number of packets that need to be transmitted.
EchoAdminPktDataRequestSize Represents the native payload size that needs to be put on the packet
LatestHTTPOperDNSRTT Provides the Round Trip Time taken to perform DNS query within the HTTP operation. If an IP Address is specified in the URL then DNSRTT is 0."
LatestHTTPOperMessageBodyBytes Provides the size of the message body received as a response to the HTTP request.
LatestHTTPOperRTT Provides the Round Trip Time taken to perform HTTP operation. This valueRound Trip Time taken to perform HTTP operation. This value is the sum of DNSRTT, TCPConnectRTT and TransactionRTT.
LatestHTTPOperSense Provides an application specific sense code for the completion status of the latest RTT operation.
LatestHTTPOperTCPConnectRTT Provides the Round Trip Time taken to connect to the HTTP server.
LatestHTTPOperTransactionRTT Provides the Round Trip Time taken to download the object specified by the URL.
LatestJitterOperICPIF Represents ICPIF value for the latest jitter operation
LatestJitterOperMOS Pr ovides the MOS value for the latest jitter operation in hundreds. This value will be 0 if - rttMonEchoAdminCodecType of the operation is notApplicable - the operation is not started - the operation is started but failed.
LatestJitterOperNumOfOW Provides the number of successful one way latency measurements.
LatestJitterOperNumOfRTT Provides the number of RTT's that were successfully measured.
LatestJitterOperOWSum2DS Provides the sum of squares of one way latency from destination to Source.
LatestJitterOperOWSum2SD Provides the sum of squares of one way latency from source to destination.
LatestJitterOperOWSumDS Provides the sum of one way latency from destination to source.
LatestJitterOperOWSumSD Provides the sum of one way latency from source to destination.
LatestJitterOperPacketLateArrival Provides the number of packets that arrived after the timeout.
LatestJitterOperPacketLossDS Provides the number of packets lost when sent from destination to source.
LatestJitterOperPacketLossSD Provides the number of packets lost when sent from source to destination.
LatestJitterOperPacketMIA Provides the number of packets that are lost for which we cannot determine the direction.
LatestJitterOperPacketOutOfSequence Provides the number of packets arrived out of sequence.
LatestJitterOperRTTMax Provides the maximum of RTT's that were successfully measured.
LatestJitterOperRTTMaxOfNegativesDS Specifies the maximum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTMaxOfNegativesSD Specifies the maximum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTMaxOfPositivesDS Specifies the maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTMaxOfPositivesSD Specifies the maximum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTMin Provides the minimum of RTT's that were successfully measured.
LatestJitterOperRTTMinOfNegativesDS Specifies the minimum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTMinOfNegativesSD Specifies the minimum of all negative jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTMinOfPositivesDS Specifies the minimum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTMinOfPositivesSD Specifies the minimum of all positive jitter values from packets sent from source to destination (SD) and destination to source (DS).
LatestJitterOperRTTSum Provides the sum of Jitter RTT's that are successfully measured.
LatestJitterOperSense Provides an application specific sense code for the completion status of the latest Jitter RTT operation.
StatsCaptureCompletions Provides the number of RTT operations that have completed without an error and without timing out.
StatsCaptureOverThresholds Provides the number of RTT operations successfully completed, but in excess of rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold.
StatsCaptureSumCompletionTime Provides the accumulated completion time of RTT operations which complete successfully.
StatsCollectBusies Provides the number of occasions when a RTT operation could not be initiated because a previous RTT operation has not been completed.
StatsCollectDrops Provides the number of occasions when a RTT operation could not be initiated because some necessary internal resource (for example memory, or SNA subsystem) was not available,or the operation completion could not be recognized.
StatsCollectNoConnections When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' or 'pathEcho',this is the number of occasions when a RTT operation could not be initiated because the connection to the target has not been established.
StatsCollectNumDisconnects When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' or pathEcho', this object represents the number of times that the target or hop along the path to a target became disconnected.
StatsCollectSequenceErrors When the RttMonRttType is 'echo' of 'pathEcho', this is the number of RTT operation completions received with an unexpected sequence identifier.
StatsCollectTimeouts Provides the number of occasions when a RTT operation was not completed before a timeout occurred.
StatsCollectVerifyErrors Provides the number of RTT operation completions received with data that does not compare with the expected data.