After you customize your console, you can save your console locally on the host where the Global Console is running or remotely on the host where the Global Manager is running.

Summary of Saved Customizations table summarizes the customizations and information that is saved for your console.

Table 1. Summary of Saved Customizations
Saved Not Saved
Console customizations (hidden bars, layout, titles, views) Topology
Content customizations (filters and selections in the Column Sort Order dialog box, except for Click Sort) Click Sort selections.
The names of the Global Managers you attached to. The actual notifications or maps
Note: To save maps, you must save them separately.

Using Save

To save a console:
  1. Select File > Save or click Save. The Specify save destination dialog box appears when you save the console for the first time.
  2. Click Local button or Remote button in the dialog box.

If you have previously saved the console, your customizations are saved accordingly and the Specify save destination dialog box does not appear.