In this topic, you can find information about configuring Property Tagging Filter (PTF).


  1. Identify the PTF installed on your system by running the following command:
    ls -al /opt/APG/Collecting/Property-Tagging-Filter/
    Note: You might change the path to reflect your environment.


    total 28
    drwxr-x---  7 apg apg 4096 Aug  5 19:35 .
    drwxr-x--- 21 apg apg 4096 Aug  5 21:38 ..
    drwxr-xr-x  6 apg apg 4096 Aug  5 14:21 emc-smarts
    drwxr-x---  6 apg apg 4096 Aug  5 14:07 Generic-RSC
    drwxr-x---  6 apg apg 4096 Aug  5 14:06 Generic-SNMP
    drwxr-x---  6 apg apg 4096 Aug  5 14:09 Load-Balancer
    drwxr-xr-x  6 apg apg 4096 Aug  5 19:35 vmware-vcenter
    Note: Here, vmware-vcenter is used as an example.
  2. To install PTF, run the following command:

    Run the following command, if the directory does not exist or is empty:

    /opt/APG/bin/ install property-tagging-filter <instance name>

  3. To create a backup copy of the main PTF configuration file, run the following command:
    mv /opt/APG/Collecting/Property-Tagging-Filter/vmware-vcenter/conf/property-tagging-filter.xml /opt/APG/Collecting/Property-Tagging-Filter/vmware-vcenter/conf/property-tagging-filter.xml.original
  4. To create a file with following information, run the command:
    vi /opt/APG/Collecting/Property-Tagging-Filter/vmware-vcenter/conf/property-tagging-filter.xml
    Sample file information:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- This is the configuration for the property tagging filter. -->
    <property-tagging-filter-config xmlns:xsi=""
           <!-- Set refresh to check for reload every interval of time. -->
           <!-- Unit can be "seconds", "minutes", "hours" or "days". -->
           <refresh unit="minutes">5</refresh>
                 <text-file encoding="UTF-8" path="conf/global-enrichment.csv">
                        <accessor accessor-class="StaticAccessor">
                              <parameter name="line">".*",<NAME OF SP></parameter>
                              <key-property delete-after-use="false" string-type="regex">device</key-property>
    Note: Ignore the filename, if the file global-enrichment.csv is not present on your system.
  5. Provide the value for the spname, in the accessor section of the file.
    Note: The W4N-VMWARE-SP is used as an example.
    New sample file information:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- This is the configuration for the property tagging filter. -->
    <property-tagging-filter-config xmlns:xsi=""
           <!-- Set refresh to check for reload every interval of time. -->
           <!-- Unit can be "seconds", "minutes", "hours" or "days". -->
           <refresh unit="minutes">5</refresh>
                 <text-file encoding="UTF-8" path="conf/global-enrichment.csv">
                        <accessor accessor-class="StaticAccessor">
                              <parameter name="line">".*",W4N-VMWARE-SP</parameter>
                              <key-property delete-after-use="false" string-type="regex">device</key-property>