To push metrics from the collector to VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance gateway, you must configure the Kafka metric connector in the collector.


  • Ensure that the Kafka connector is installed or available in the MnR, to send metric data collected by MnR collector.
  • Ensure that the Edge Kafka deployed in the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance cluster.
  • Ensure that VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance gateway must process messages from the Edge Kafka.


  1. Install kafka-connector module and change Kafka IP (Default port is <domainmanager worker node IP> ), Port (Default port is 9092), and Topic (Default topics is raw values) in the Kafka-Connector/<instancename>/conf/kafka-connector.xml file. Refer, Kafka-Connector.pdf, for configuring the Kafka connector.
  2. Configure a connector entry in the collecting.xml file of SP.
  3. Make sure that all metrics are forwarded to this connector by configuring next component of collectors or filters configured before in the collecting.xml file.
  4. Restart the Collector.

    Example - Kafka Connector Configuration

    1. Install the kafka-connector module and change Kafka IP, Port, and Topic to the one Telco Cloud Operations expects, in the Kafka-Connector/<instancename>/conf/kafka-connector.xml file.
    2. Update the collecting.xml file of Smarts SP in the Collecting-Manager/<sp instance name>/conf/collecting.xml file, with a kafka connector.
      <config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
              xsi:schemaLocation=" collecting.xsd ">
                      <connector enabled="true" name="Backend" type="Socket-Connector" config="conf/socketconnector.xml" />
                      <connector enabled="true" name="Alerting" type="Socket-Connector" config="conf/alertingconnector.xml" />
                      <connector enabled="true" name="Kafka" type="Kafka-Connector" config="Kafka-Connector/emc-smarts/conf/kafka-connector.xml" />
                      <filter enabled="true" name="FailOver" next="Backend Kafka" config="FailOver-Filter/emc-smarts/conf/failover-backend.xml" />
                      <filter enabled="true" name="IgnoreErrors" next="Alerting" type="Ignore-Errors-Filter" config="Collector-Manager/emc-smarts/" />
                      <filter enabled="true" name="DROP-PROXY-VHF" next="FailOver" config="Variable-Handling-Filter/emc-smarts/conf/vhf-drop-proxy.xml"/>
                      <filter enabled="true" name="CHECK-DEVICE-VHF" next="DROP-PROXY-VHF" config="Variable-Handling-Filter/emc-smarts/conf/vhf-check-device.xml"/>
                      <filter enabled="true" name="USERGRP-VHF" next="DROP-PROXY-VHF" config="Variable-Handling-Filter/emc-smarts/conf/vhf-usergrp.xml"/>
                      <filter enabled="true" name="Smarts-Group" next="USERGRP-VHF CHECK-DEVICE-VHF IgnoreErrors" config="Property-Tagging-Filter/emc-smarts/conf/PTF-Smarts-Group-Tagging.xml" />
                      <filter enabled="true" name="DataEnrichment" next="Smarts-Group" config="Property-Tagging-Filter/emc-smarts/conf/property-tagging-filter.xml" />
                      <filter enabled="true" name="AvailabilityFilter" next="DataEnrichment" config="Availability-Filter/emc-smarts/conf/availability-filter.xml" />
                      <collector enabled="true" name="emc-smarts" next="AvailabilityFilter" type="Smarts-Discovery" config="Smarts-Collector/emc-smarts/conf/sm-discovery.xml" />