To match the regular expression against incoming characters, you can use the following patterns, only when expression criteria is defined as regex. With the regular expression patterns, you can also customize the log view filter.

Reserved Characters

Following characters are reserved as operators:

. ? + * | { } [ ] ( ) # @ & < > ~ " \

To use one of these characters, escape it with a preceding backslash or surround it with double quotes. For example:

Operator Example
\@ # renders as a literal '@'
\\ # renders as a literal '\'
"[email protected]" # renders as '[email protected]'

Standard Operators

A standard operator consists of one or more reserved characters separated by ampersand (&) or tilde (~) characters. A standard operator is matched by attempting to match each of its component reserved characters against the entire input string.

Operator Description

Matches any character. For example:

ab. # matches 'aba', 'abb', 'abz', and so on.

+ Repeat the preceding character one or more times. For example:

ab+ # matches 'ab', 'abb', 'abbb', and so on.


Repeat the preceding character zero or one time. Often used to make the preceding character optional. For example:

abc? # matches 'ab' and 'abc'


Repeat the preceding character zero or more times. For example:

ab* # matches 'a', 'ab', 'abb', 'abbb', and so on.


Minimum and maximum number of times the preceding character can repeat. For example:

a{2} # matches 'aa'

a{2,4} # matches 'aa', 'aaa', and 'aaaa'

a{2,} # matches 'a` repeated two or more times


OR operator. The match succeeds if the longest pattern on either the left side OR the right side matches. For example:

abc|xyz # matches 'abc' and 'xyz'

( … )

Forms a group. You can use a group to treat part of the expression as a single character. For example:

abc(def)? # matches 'abc' and 'abcdef' but not 'abcd'.

[ … ]

Match one of the characters in the brackets. For example:

[abc] # matches 'a', 'b', 'c'

Inside the brackets, - indicates a range unless - is the first character or escaped. For example:

[a-c] # matches 'a', 'b', or 'c'

[-abc] # '-' is the first character. Matches '-', 'a', 'b', or 'c'

[abc\-] # Escapes '-'. Matches 'a', 'b', 'c', or '-'

A ^ before a character in the brackets negates the character or range. For example:

[^abc] # matches any character except 'a', 'b', or 'c'

[^a-c] # matches any character except 'a', 'b', or 'c'

[^-abc] # matches any character except '-', 'a', 'b', or 'c'

[^abc\-] # matches any character except 'a', 'b', 'c', or '-'


You can use ~ to negate the shortest following pattern. For example:

a~bc # matches 'adc' and 'aec' but not 'abc'.

~(abc.+) matches everything except terms beginning with 'abc'.


You can use <> to match a numeric range. For example:

foo<1-100> # matches 'foo1', 'foo2' ... 'foo99', 'foo100'

foo<01-100> # matches 'foo01', 'foo02' ... 'foo99', 'foo100'.

<10-100> matches all values between 10 and 100


Enables the & operator, which acts as an and operator. The match succeeds if patterns on both the left side and the right side matches. For example:

aaa.+&.+bbb # matches 'aaabbb'.


Enables the @ operator. You can use @ to match any entire string.

You can combine the @ operator with & and ~ operators to create an "everything except" the logic. For example:

@&~(abc.+) # matches everything except terms beginning with 'abc'.

Pattern Examples

Following are some of the useful combination of patterns:
Patterns Example
.* Matches an arbitrary string of characters. For example:

server.*\.example\.com matches and

.? Matches any single character. For example:

server.?\.example\.com matches and, but not

(.+) Matches non empty values.
~(.+) Matches only empty values.