The topology section provides information on specific classes, attributes, relationships, and events related to Cell Site and Cell Site Group.

The following table provides a list of CellSite and CellSite Group classes, key attributes, relationships, and events.
Class Key Attributes Key Relationship Problem and Event
  • IsCellSiteNotProvisioned
  • IsCellSiteHypervisorAffected
  • IsCellSiteHostNotConfigured
  • ContainedBy::CellSiteGroup
  • MemberOf::InChargeDomain
  • ComposedOf::Hypervisor
  • ProvisioningFailed
  • CellSiteMightBeImpacted
  • HostConfigurationFailed
  • CellSiteAffected
  • HypervisorNotWorking
CellSite Group
  • IsAnyCellSiteAffected
  • Contains::CellSite
  • MemberOf::InChargeDomain
  • CellSiteGroupAffected