For AKS configuration, use the deploy.settings file available in the $TCSA_WORK_SPACE/tcx-deployer/scripts/deployment/ directory.

Note: Before you configure deploy.settings file, ensure that you obtain the ACR registry details such as URL, username, and password from the ACR registry section in Azure website.
  • Obtain <config> for AKS workload cluster from Azure and update in the following snippet:
    # ========== General configuration ========== #
    # Mandatory: Path to the <config> of the Kubernetes cluster inside the deployment container (for example: /root/.kube/<config>
  • Update the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance details and deployment timeout period.
    # ========== Product details  ========== #
    # Name of the product to be deployed/installed
    # Product helm config
    # allowed values for footprint "demo", "25k", "50k", "75k", "100k", "125k", "150k", "175k", "200k"
    # Time to wait for the deployment to complete, in seconds. Maximum timeout is 3600 seconds. 
    # For deployment above 50K footprint, specify the deployment timeout value in seconds to a higher value.
    # ========== Deployment Location ========== #
    # LOCATION can be "on-prem", "aws", "tkg", or "azure"
    # ========= Deployment modes and actions ========== #
    # Options are "init", "deploy-all", "deploy-apps" or "cleanup"
    ## Set this to '--force' if you want to cleanup by force without waiting for user confirmation
  • For the ACR registry URL, use the format as <your-acr-instance> URL must be given without https or http and must end with /tcx.
    # ========== Registry details ========== #
    # These are mandatory parameters
    # Note: The "/tcx" suffix is mandatory
    REGISTRY_USERNAME=<ACR registry username>
    REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<ACR registry password>

    If you are using docker login <harbor-registry-fqdn> command, then you do not have to update <REGISTRY_USERNAME> and <REGISTRY_PASSWORD> in deploy.settings file. For more information, see Prerequisites for Setting up Deployment Container.

  • Update the following parameters in the values-user-overrides.yaml which is available in the <TCSA_WORK_SPACE>/product-helm-chart/tcsa directory. Uncomment and update the parameters in the file.
      product: <IPAddress1>
      edgeServices: <IPAddress2>
     accessIp: <IPAddress1>
    # AKS configuration
      resourceGroup: <resource-group-name>
    privateNetwork: true
    For Kubenet network plugin IPAddress1 and IPAddress2 must be specified in the values-user-overrides.yaml file.

    IPAddress1 is a public IP and must be created in the same region and resource group where AKS cluster is created. IPAddress1 is the IP address of the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance IP and IPAddress2 is the IP address of the Kafka Edge service.

    1. If using Azure CNI plugin, IPAddress1 and IPAddress2 must be set to empty.
    2. If using Kubenet plugin, IPAddress1 and IPAddress2 must be set to valid IP addresses as follows:
      • For the public networks get Azure public IPs using the az CLI. For more information, see Azure Network Public IP.
      • For the private network, get IP addresses from the subnet used for the AKS cluster private network. You can use the az CLI to list free IP addresses in a subnet. For more information, see Azure Network VNet.
        • Set privateNetwork: to true.
  • If you want to update the metrics retention interval period during deployment, see Configure Metrics Retention Interval Period topic.
Note: If you want to deploy on vSAN without any other storage available for AWS S3 compatible storage, you must deploy MinIO. For more information, see Customizing Backup and Restore Configurations topic.