To start the Unattended mode, invoke the setup command with the -options command-line option, followed by the full path to the response file as described in the Setup command syntax for Unattended mode table.

Table 1. Setup command syntax for Unattended mode


Operating system


Service Assurance Manager Server


./setup-SAM-<product version>-linux64.bin -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt

Service Assurance Manager Console


./setup-SAM-<product version>-linux64.bin -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt


setup-CONSOLE-<product version>-win.exe -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt

IP Manager


./setup-IP-<product version>-linux64.bin -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt

Server Manager


./setup-ESM-<product version>-linux64.bin -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt
MPLS Management Suite Linux ./setup-MPLS-<product version>-linux64.bin -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt
Network Protocol Management Suite Linux ./setup-NPM-<product version>-linux64.bin -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt

Where <path> is the fully qualified path to the response file and <product> is the product name, for example, IP_NETWORK_SUITE, or SAM_SUITE.

For example for IP Network Suite, to start the Unattended mode of installation on Linux when the response file is located in /opt/home, enter:

./setup-IP-<product version>-linux64.bin
         -i silent -f <path>/<product>-response.txt      

If your product is part of a deployment that requires the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2, a U.S. government computer security standard governing cryptographic modules, follow the instructions in Support for FIPS 140-2 or Next steps provides post-installation tasks.

Note: SAM, SAM-Console Custom feature, and Add Feature is removed. Now, all the features are available as a complete installation in both fresh installation and upgrade from older products.