Fetch the uploaded collector package configuration information by specifying the collector name.

GET: {{TCO_URL}}/dcc/v1/packages/<package_name>/config

Use below curl command to get the specific custom collector package configuration.

curl -X GET ":/dcc/v1/packages/{package_name}/config" -u 'user:password'

@custom_collector_v1.route('packages/<package_name>/config', methods=['GET'])
def get_custom_collector_configuration(package_name):
""" Get Custom Collector Configuration Info by giving collecot name        Returns: Return configuration information of custom Collector """    try:        
if not bool(check_custom_collector_exist(package_name)):            
raise Exception("Custom Collector Package not found.")        
hdfs_path = get_package_path_from_hdfs(package_name)        
status, message = get_json_data_from_hdfs(hdfs_path + "/config_input_schema.json")        
if status is False:            
raise RuntimeError(message)        
resp = jsonify(message)        
resp.status_code = 200        
except Exception as e:        
resp = jsonify({"Error": str(e)})        
resp.status_code = 500        
current_app.logger.error(e)        current_app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc())    
return resp