The SNMP collector is fully configurable. Advanced polling features allow you to fully customize SNMP data collection and produce complete and complex reports through the frontend.

Configuration allows the combination of any OIDs and agents to be polled at any frequency. Polling periods are not hardcoded and can be modified to any suitable values, depending upon the metrics’ criticality and usage. SNMP agents can be specified individually or by applying a regular expression on their IP address (or hostname, if defined). Several agents can be queried on a single host because they are treated as separate agents.


  1. To configure SNMP Collector, navigate to Administration > Configuration > Collectors and Connectors.
  2. From the Collectors section, click Add.
  3. From the Collector Selection page, select generic-snmp.
  4. Provide the collector instance name in the Name of the collector.
  5. Select the location of the collector data from the Data Centre drop down.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Masks page, click Add.
  8. Provide the name of the mask in the Name field.
  9. Select the management information base (MIB) file from the MIB files drop down.
  10. To add the metric details, click Add, and enter the parameters as displayed in the following table:
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name Metric name NA
    OID Provide the object identifier (OID). NA
    Transformation Specifies how the polled values must be handled, Possible values are:
    • None
    • Delta
    • Positive Delta
    • Rate
    • Positive Rate

    Specifies the unit to apply to the polled value.

    Property: Part Specifies the part property in the resulting raw value. NA
    Property: Parttype Specifies the parttype property in the resulting raw value NA
  11. Click Save.
  12. To add the property details, click Add, and enter the parameters as displayed in the following table:
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name Name of the property for use in any filter in the web portal. NA
    Type Type of the property. Static Value
    Static Value / OID Value Static value or OID. None
  13. Click Save.
  14. To upload the xml snmp-masks file, click Import > Browse.
  15. Click Save.
  16. To upload the xml snmp-translations file, click Import Translation > Browse.
  17. Click Save.
  18. To upload the MIB file, click Upload MIB > Browse.
  19. Click Save.
  20. Click Next.
  21. To add agent details:
    • To upload the agent CSV file, click Import > Browse and select the separator from the Select Separator drop down.
    • Click Add, and enter the parameters as displayed in the following table:
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name Name of the agent. NA
    devType Property Specifies the type of device this agent represents. NA
    IP Address Specifies the IP address of the polled agent which will be used to contact the device.
    SNMP Port Specifies the port used in order to contact the SNMP agent on the polled device. 161
    SNMP Version Specifies the SNMP version to use when polling the agent. V2C
    SNMP Community or User v3 Name Specifies the community string or SNMP v3 username, depending on the selected SNMP version. Public
    Timeout Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, before giving up while waiting for the agent response. 1000
    Retries Specifies the number of retries before giving up while contacting the agent. 2
    Varbinds per Snmp getBulk Specifies the maximum number of varbind in a snmpGetBulk request issued to the device. 50
    Transport Protocol Specifies protocol to use for data transportation UDP
    Miscellaneous SNMP agent polling options (for example-SNMP v3 connection credentials)
    SNMPv3 Authentication Protocol Specifies the protocol used for authentication process. NoAuth
    SNMPv3 Authentication Password Specifies the authentication password. NA
    SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol Specifies the protocol used for privacy. NoPriv
    SNMPv3 Privacy Password Specifies the privacy password. NA
    SNMP v3 Context name Specifies the authentication password. NA
    Variables include context Specifies the context name as part of the raw values variable for the agent. False
    Context engine ID Specifies the engine ID, as a hexadecimal format character string. NA
    Variables include engine ID Specifies the context engined ID as part of the raw values variable for the agent. False
    Miscellaneous SNMP agent polling options
    Global Retry Specifies the opportunity to issue another call when all retries have failed, using either snmpGet (v1) or snmpGetBulk (v2c) requests. V1
    Do not use getBulk requests Specifies only get and getNext requests on agent. False
    Use row-based Table Polling Specifies the way SNMP v1 agents are polled. False is the standard failsafe mode - table polling is column-based. While true enables a more efficient row-based polling model.
    Note: However, this feature is not correctly supported by all SNMP v1 agents.
  22. Click Ok, and to add the polling groups details, enter the parameters as displayed in the following table:
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name Name of the polling group. NA
    Polling period Specifies the time interval between each polling in seconds 300
    Enable this group When set to false, then the polling group is ignored, and no polling occurs. True
    Refresh Property Time false Specifies the time at which, every day the metric properties are refreshed.
    Note: The value is formatted in 24h time, 00:00:00 being midnight, 08:00:00 being 8:00AM, 20:00:00 being 8:00PM and so on.
    Retention Group Name Specifies the notion specific to the backend. This is an optional parameter that will be taken from the collector. Group
    Uniform Timestamps When set to true, the polling starts at the next "round" period (0:04, 0:08... if polling period is set to 4 minutes) and all timestamps for the generated raw values are rounded to the polling cycle start time (0:04, 0:08...). False
    Start at Defined Period When set to true, the polling starts at the next "round" period (0:04, 0:08... if polling period is set to 4 minutes). Raw value timestamps are accurate. False
    Start time offset, in seconds Specifies the waiting period before the polling group starts collecting data. 0
    Agents Specifies the agents to be polled. NA
    Masks Specifies the masks used in the polling group. NA
  23. Click Ok.
  24. Click Finish.