This section provides information on how to configure the Data Collection Framework and Kafka Access Settings.


  • VMware Aria Operations must be installed and Kubernetes Management Pack must be deployed.
  • Kubernetes Management Pack must be configured to manage the infrastructure.
  • The infrastructure must be deployed and managed by VMware Telco Cloud Automation.
Note: Before you configure Data Collection Framework or Kafka Access Settings, verify that you configure TLS for Kafka Edge on the system where ESM server is running.

Configure Collector Settings

  1. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Domain Settings.
  2. In the Collector Settings section, click Add.

    Create New Collector Setting page is displayed.

  3. Enter the parameters as listed in the following table when the domain type is Others:
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name of the Collector Provide a name for the Data Collection Framework. NA
    Domain Type Select the domain type as Others. Others
    Username Provide the username for the Data Collection Framework. admin
    Password Provide the password for the Data Collection Framework.
    Note: The password is same as the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance UI login password.
    Broker Host Select the broker IP for the Data Collection Framework.
    Domain Manager Select the domain manager from the drop-down menu. NA
    Domain Credential Select the domain credential from the drop-down menu. defaultSmartsDomainCredential
    Poll Interval Provide the poll interval value for the Data Collection Framework. 240
    Request Retry Provide the request retry value for the Data Collection Framework. 2
    Response Timeout Provide the response timeout value for the Data Collection Framework. 200
  4. Click Save.To edit or delete any Data Collection Framework, click the vertical ellipsis (⋮) icon against the Data Collection Framework name.

Configure Kafka Access Settings

  1. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Domain Settings.
  2. In the Kafka Access Settings section, click Add.

    Create New Kafka Access Setting page is displayed.

  3. Enter the parameters as listed in the following table when the domain type is Others:
    Input Parameter Description Default Value
    Name of the Kafka Access Setting Provide a name for the Kafka Access Setting. NA
    Domain Type Select the domain type as Others.
    Note: Select Others, when the Kafka configuration is for non OI Server. For example, ESM Server.
    TLS Enabled Select the TLS value from the drop-down menu. True
    Trust Store Location When TLS enabled is set to True, provide the trust store location value for the Kafka Access Setting. NA
    Trust Store Password When TLS enabled is set to True, provide the trust store location password for the Kafka Access Setting.

    You must provide the password value fetched during the TLS configuration of Kafka Access Setting.

    Discovery Topic When others domain type is selected, provide a name for the discovery topic in Kafka Access Setting. dcftopo
    Monitoring Topic When others domain type is selected, provide a name for the monitoring topic in Kafka Access Setting. dcfmon
    Broker Host Select the broker IP for the new Kafka Access Setting.
    Domain Manager Select the domain manager from the drop-down menu. NA
    Domain Credential Select the domain credential from the drop-down menu. defaultSmartsDomainCredential
    Poll Timeout Provide the poll timeout value for the Kafka Access Setting. 30
    Session Timeout Provide the session timeout for the Kafka Access Setting. 10
    Kafka Request Timeout Provide the request timeout value for the Kafka Access Setting. 15
    High Water Mark Provide the high water mark value for the Kafka Access Setting. 0
    Low Water Mark Provide the low water mark value for the Kafka Access Setting. 0
    Log Level Select an option for the log level. ERR
    Kafka Log Level Select an option for the Kafka log level. ERROR