Configure the following credentials in the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance UI to monitor external Samsung events in the dashboard and reports.

  • The following represents the Kafka mapper and sample data model for the Samsung events.
      "UserDefined8": "UDF 8",
      "UserDefined19": "UDF 19",
      "EventState": "$.concat(($.[?(@.clearTime empty true)].concat(\"ACTIVE\")), ($.[?(@.clearTime empty false)].concat(\"INACTIVE\")))",
      "Category": "$.group",
      "UserDefined1": "$.concat(@.alarmTime, @.alarmTimeOffset).transform_date(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssXXX\")",
      "Severity": "$.severity",
      "EventName": "$.code",
      "Timestamp": "$.concat(@.alarmTime, @.alarmTimeOffset).transform_date(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssXXX\")",
      "properties.probableCause": "$.probableCause",
      "Source": "KafkaCollector",
      "Name": "$.neName",
      "InstanceName": "$.[?(@.neId == 'UADPF_153001011' || @.neId == 'UADPF_153001021')].neId",
      "State": "$.concat(($.[?(@.clearTime empty true)].concat(\"ACTIVE\")), ($.[?(@.clearTime empty false)].concat(\"INACTIVE\")))",
      "EventText": "$.location",
      "LastClearedAt": "$.concat(@.alarmTime, @.alarmTimeOffset).transform_date(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssXXX\")"
      "severity": "Critical",
      "alarmTimeOffset": "+00:00",
      "neId": "UADPF_153001011",
      "code": "A1699460R",
      "probableCause": "service-off",
      "clearTime": "2023-05-23 20:35:13",
      "alarmTime": "2023-05-23 20:35:07",
      "location": "/DEGRR/DEGRR00123A-NR",
      "neName": "DEGRR00123A",
      "group": "Equipment"

    For information on how to configure the Kafka Mapper, see the Add Kafka Mapping topic.

  • Kafka Collector
  • Configure OI Server for Kafka Event Collector

The following screenshots are examples of Kafka Event Mapper and Kafka Event Collector.

Kafka Event MapperKafka Event Collector

To view the Samsung vDU reports, see the 5G Dashboard Reports in the VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance User Guide.