This topic lists the prerequisites required for the Kubernetes installation.

  1. Five Virtual Machines (VMs) with the following specifications:
    1. RHEL 8.7 or later.

      Qualified on RHEL 8.7.

    2. Resources:
      • 20 CPUs.
      • 40 GB Memory.
      • 250 GB local storage under the root file system.
    3. root user access.
    4. Docker version 23.0.0.
    5. Python version 3.6.8.
  2. Four VMs for cluster creation on which you can install Kubernetes and VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance. It is recommended to use fifth VM as the deployment host to launch the deployment process.

    Alternatively, you can use any Linux x86/64-bit VM with the same specification as the deployment host.

  3. The depoyment host should have:
    • SSH connectivity to the cluster VMs.
    • Internet access to download the Deployment Container, K8s Installer, and VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance deployer from VMware Customer Connect.
      Note: If the deployment host does not have Internet connectivity, follow the steps described in the DarkSite Deployment host section to obtain the artifacts.
  4. The four VMs that form the cluster do not require Internet access.
  5. Ensure you have the IP address and login credentials for the four VMs. Same credentials are used on all four VMs.
  6. Create an SSH key pair on the deployment host. This is used to securely communicate with the four-VMs cluster. Leave the passphrase empty when creating the key. Ensure the public key has at least 100 characters.
  7. On each VM of the cluster, ensure that update-crypto-policies are set to DEFAULT. To check the status of update-crypto-policies, running the following command:
    $ update-crypto-policies --show
    If the value is not DEFAULT, then set the value to DEFAULT and reboot the VM.
    $ sudo update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT
    Setting system policy to DEFAULT
    Note: System-wide crypto policies are applied on application start-up.
    It is recommended to restart the system for the change of policies
    to fully take place.